--- - name: Python3 requirements for ansible ansible.builtin.import_tasks: ansible-python3-pkgs.yml - name: Set the hostname ansible.builtin.import_tasks: hostname.yml - name: Set the locale ansible.builtin.import_tasks: locale.yml - name: Set the timezone ansible.builtin.import_tasks: timezone.yml - name: Sysctl kernel parameters ansible.builtin.import_tasks: sysctl.yml - name: Create a directory that will contain the local generated certificates ansible.builtin.import_tasks: pki_dir.yml - name: Self signed certificates waiting for the letsencrypt ones ansible.builtin.import_tasks: self_signed_certificate.yml when: letsencrypt_acme_sh_install is defined and letsencrypt_acme_sh_install - name: Certificate from privte CA (mkcert) ansible.builtin.import_tasks: certificate_from_private_ca.yml when: - (letsencrypt_acme_sh_install is not defined) or (not letsencrypt_acme_sh_install) - mkcert_create_certificate - name: HTTP client proxy ansible.builtin.import_tasks: http_client_proxy.yml - name: Manage additiondal disk volumes ansible.builtin.import_tasks: additional_disks.yml when: additional_disks - name: Manage the autofs configuration ansible.builtin.import_tasks: autofs.yml when: autofs_client_mountpoint - name: Manage tmpreaper ansible.builtin.import_tasks: tmpreaper.yml - name: Manage the trusted CAs ansible.builtin.import_tasks: trusted_ca.yml - name: Ganesha NFS ansible.builtin.import_tasks: ganesha-nfs.yml when: nfs_server_ganesha_enabled - name: Linux Kernel NFS server ansible.builtin.import_tasks: nfs-kernel-server.yml when: - nfs_server_enabled - not nfs_server_ganesha_enabled