
164 lines
7.0 KiB

- name: Install the clamav packages
- name: Install the clamav packages on RH based systems
yum: pkg={{ clamav_rh_pkgs }} state=present
when: clamav_install | bool
- name: Install the clamav unofficial signature packages on RH based systems
yum: pkg={{ clamav_unofficial_sigs_rh_pkgs }} state=present
when: clamav_unofficial_sigs_install | bool
- name: Install the clamav milter packages on RH based systems
yum: pkg={{ clamav_milter_rh_pkgs}} state=present
when: clamav_milter_install | bool
when: ansible_distribution_file_variety == "RedHat"
tags: [ 'clamav', 'clamav_clamd' ]
- name: Configure freshclam and clamd
- name: Install the clamd configuration
template: src=scan.conf.j2 dest={{ clamav_clamd_conf_file }} owner=root group=root mode=0444
notify: Restart clamd
- name: Install the freshclam configuration
template: src=freshclam.conf.j2 dest=/etc/freshclam.conf owner=root group=root mode=0400
- name: Change the /var/lib/clamav permissions so that freshclam can write into it
file: dest=/var/lib/clamav state=directory owner=clamscan group=clamupdate mode='u=rwx,g=rwsx,o=rx'
- name: Add the clamupdate user to the clamscan group so that it can update the signatures
user: name=clamupdate groups=clamscan append=yes
- name: Ensure that the clamd service is running and enabled
service: name=clamd@scan state=started enabled=yes
- name: Remove some signature files that are broken.
file: dest={{ clamav_signatures_db_dir }}/{{ item }} state=absent
with_items: '{{ clamav_signatures_dbs_to_wipe }}'
notify: Restart clamd
tags: [ 'clamav', 'clamav_clamd', 'clamav_config', 'clamav_signatures' ]
- name: Install the local whitelist file
template: src=local_whitelist.ign2.j2 dest={{ clamav_signatures_db_dir }}/{{ clamav_signatures_whitelist_file }} owner=clamscan group=clamscan mode='0444'
notify: Restart clamd
when: clamav_signatures_whitelist != []
tags: [ 'clamav', 'clamav_clamd', 'clamav_config', 'clamav_signatures', 'clamav_whitelist' ]
- name: Remove the local whitelist file if it's empty
file: dest={{ clamav_signatures_db_dir }}/{{ clamav_signatures_whitelist_file }} state=absent
notify: Restart clamd
when: clamav_signatures_whitelist == []
tags: [ 'clamav', 'clamav_clamd', 'clamav_config', 'clamav_signatures', 'clamav_whitelist' ]
- name: Install a cron job that wipes the wrong signature files, just in case they reappear after an update
cron: name="Wipe some clamav signature dbs that are broken" user=root special_time=hourly job="{% for db in clamav_signatures_dbs_to_wipe %}/bin/rm -f {{ clamav_signatures_db_dir }}/{{ db }}{% if not loop.last %}; {% endif %}{% endfor %}"
tags: [ 'clamav', 'clamav_clamd', 'clamav_config', 'clamav_signatures' ]
when: clamav_install | bool
tags: [ 'clamav', 'clamav_clamd', 'clamav_config' ]
- name: Configure clamav unofficial sigs
- name: Install the unofficial sigs configuration files
template: src={{ item }}.j2 dest=/etc/clamav-unofficial-sigs/{{ item }} owner=root group=root mode=0444
- os.conf
- user.conf
- name: Wipe some unofficial signature files that are broken. Disabling them seems not enough
copy: content="" dest={{ clamav_additional_signatures_db_dir }}/{{ item }} force=yes
with_items: '{{ clamav_additional_signatures_dbs_to_wipe }}'
notify: Restart clamd
- name: Install a cron job that wipes the wrong unofficial signature files, just in case they reappear after an update
cron: name="Wipe some unofficial clamav signature dbs that are broken" user=root special_time=hourly job="{% for db in clamav_additional_signatures_dbs_to_wipe %}echo '' > {{ clamav_additional_signatures_db_dir }}/{{ db }}{% if not loop.last %}; {% endif %}{% endfor %}"
when: clamav_unofficial_sigs_install | bool
tags: [ 'clamav', 'clamav_clamd', 'clamav_config', 'clamav_unofficial_sigs' ]
- name: Manage the clamav urlhaus signatures
- name: Install the procmail package on RH based systems
yum: pkg=procmail state=present
when: ansible_distribution_file_variety == "RedHat"
- name: Install the clamav urlhaus script
template: src=urlhaus-signatures.j2 dest=/usr/local/bin/clamav-urlhaus-signatures owner=root group=root mode='0755'
- name: Install a cron job that downloads the urlhaus signatures
cron_file: clamav-urlhaus
minute: '*'
hour: '*'
day: '*'
weekday: '*'
month: '*'
disabled: no
job: "/usr/local/bin/clamav-urlhaus-signatures >/dev/null 2>& 1"
user: "{{ clamav_clamd_user }}"
name: 'manage-urlhaus-signatures'
state: present
when: clamav_urlhaus_signatures_install
tags: [ 'clamav', 'clamav_urlhaus' ]
- name: Manage the clamav urlhaus signatures
- name: Install the clamav urlhaus script
file: dest=/usr/local/bin/clamav-urlhaus-signatures state=absent
- name: Install the clamav urlhaus script
file: dest={{ clamav_signatures_db_dir }}/urlhaus.ndb state=absent
- name: Remove the cron job that downloads the urlhaus signatures
cron_file: clamav-urlhaus
minute: '*'
hour: '*'
day: '*'
weekday: '*'
month: '*'
disabled: no
job: "/usr/local/bin/clamav-urlhaus-signatures >/dev/null 2>& 1"
user: "{{ clamav_clamd_user }}"
name: 'manage-urlhaus-signatures'
state: absent
when: not clamav_urlhaus_signatures_install
tags: [ 'clamav', 'clamav_urlhaus' ]
- name: Configure the clamav milter
- name: Install the clamav milter configuration
template: src=clamav-milter.conf.j2 dest=/etc/mail/clamav-milter.conf owner=root group=root mode=0444
notify: Restart clamav-milter
- name: Ensure that clamav milter is running and enabled
service: name=clamav-milter state=started enabled=yes
when: clamav_milter_install | bool
tags: [ 'clamav', 'clamav_clamd', 'clamav_config' ]
- name: Configure the clamd service used by spamassassin
- name: Install the clamd configuration for the spamassassin service
template: src=spamassassin-scan.conf.j2 dest={{ clamav_clamd_conf_dir }}/spamassassin.conf owner=root group=root mode=0444
notify: Restart clamd spamassassin
- name: Install the tmpfile configuration for clamd spamassassin
copy: content="d /run/clamd.spamassassin 0710 clamscan virusgroup" dest=/usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/clamd.spamassassin.conf owner=root group=root mode='0755'
- name: Create the runtime directory for the clamd spamassassin service
file: dest="/run/clamd.spamassassin" state=directory mode='0710' owner=clamscan group=virusgroup
- name: Add the spamassassin user to the virusgroup group so that it can access the clamd socket
user: name=spamassassin groups=virusgroup append=yes
- name: Ensure that the clamd service is running and enabled
service: name=clamd@spamassassin state=started enabled=yes
when: clamav_clamd_spamassassin_service
tags: [ 'clamav', 'clamav_spamassassin', 'clamav_config' ]