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2020-09-07 16:45:03 +02:00
2020-09-10 16:50:33 +02:00
- name: Install the Easy RSA suite on EL
- name: Install the easyRSA package
yum: pkg={{ easy_rsa_package }} state=present
- easy_rsa_install | bool
- ansible_distribution_file_variety == "RedHat"
tags: [ 'easyrsa', 'easy_rsa', 'ca' ]
- name: Install the Easy RSA suite on Deb
- name: Create the easy rsa base directory
file: dest={{ easy_rsa_base_dir_path }} state=directory owner=root group=root
- name: Download the easy-rsa distribution from github
unarchive: remote_src=yes src={{ easy_rsa_github_distribution }} dest={{ easy_rsa_github_install_dir }} owner=root group=root
- name: Link to the downloaded distribution
file: src={{ easy_rsa_github_install_dir }}/{{ easy_rsa_github_name }} dest={{ easy_rsa_base_dir }} state=link
- easy_rsa_install | bool
- ansible_distribution_file_variety == "Debian"
tags: [ 'easyrsa', 'easy_rsa', 'ca' ]
- name: Configure the pki directory and install the helper scripts
- name: Create the PKI directory
file: dest={{ easy_rsa_pki_basedir }} state=directory owner=root group=root mode=0750
- name: Link the executable
file: src={{ easy_rsa_executable }} dest={{ easy_rsa_pki_basedir }}/easyrsa state=link
- name: Link the x509 directory
file: src={{ easy_rsa_base_dir }}/x509-types dest={{ easy_rsa_pki_basedir }}/x509-types state=link
- name: Install the vars file
template: src=vars.j2 dest={{ easy_rsa_pki_basedir }}/vars owner=root group=root mode=0640
- name: Install the helper scripts
template: src={{ item }}.sh.j2 dest=/usr/local/bin/{{ item }} owner=root group=root mode=0544
with_items: '{{ easy_rsa_helper_scripts }}'
tags: [ 'easyrsa', 'easy_rsa', 'ca', 'easy_rsa_helper_scripts' ]
- name: Check if the CA has been initialized yet
stat: path={{ easy_rsa_pki_basedir }}/pki/private/ca.key
register: easy_rsa_ca_key_file
- name: Display the easyrsa initialization commands if the CA has not been
msg: "Run the '{{ easy_rsa_pki_basedir }}/easyrsa init-pki' and '{{ easy_rsa_pki_basedir }}/easyrsa build-ca' commands"
when: not easy_rsa_ca_key_file.stat.exists
when: easy_rsa_install | bool
tags: [ 'easyrsa', 'easy_rsa', 'ca' ]