--- - name: Deb packages block: - name: apt key for the Cloudera Manager repository apt_key: url='{{ cdh_ubuntu_repo_key }}' state=present - name: Disable the signature check, because the signature is too old copy: src=apt-99cloudera dest=/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99cloudera owner=root mode='0644' when: cdh_major_version <= 5 - name: Install the Cloudera CDH packages repository apt_repository: repo='{{ cdh_ubuntu_packages_repo }}' update_cache=yes - name: Install the CDH Manager server packages apt: pkg={{ cdh_cm_deb_packages }} state=present cache_valid_time=1800 when: cdh_manager_install - name: Install the CDH Manager agents and daemons apt: pkg={{ cdh_agent_packages }} state=present cache_valid_time=1800 when: not cdh_manager_install - name: Start and enable the scm agent service: name=cloudera-scm-agent state=started enabled=yes - name: "Check if apache is installed" package_facts: manager: "auto" when: cdh_manager_install - name: Stop and disable the apache service on CDM service: name=apache2 state=stopped enabled=no when: - cdh_manager_install - "'apache2' in ansible_facts.packages" tags: [ 'cdh', 'hadoop' ]