
34 lines
898 B

- name: Start the iptables service
service: name=iptables-persistent state=restarted enabled=yes
notify: Restart fail2ban
- name: Start the netfilter service
service: name=netfilter-persistent state=restarted enabled=yes
when: is_debian8
notify: Restart fail2ban
- name: Flush the iptables rules
command: /etc/init.d/iptables-persistent flush
ignore_errors: true
- name: Restart fail2ban after an iptables restart
service: name=fail2ban state=restarted enabled=yes
when: has_fail2ban
- name: Enable and start firewalld
service: name=firewalld state=started enabled=yes
when: firewalld_enabled
- name: Reload firewall config
command: firewall-cmd --reload
notify: Restart fail2ban
when: firewalld_enabled
- name: Restart fail2ban
service: name=fail2ban state=restarted
- fail2ban_enabled is defined and fail2ban_enabled
- centos_install_epel