Role Name ========= A role that installs and configures the nginx web server and proxy Role Variables -------------- There are a lot of variables. See the **defaults/main.yml** file for a complete list. Here an example of how to setup a virtualhost: ``` yaml nginx_virthosts: - virthost_name: '{{ ansible_fqdn }}' listen: '{{ http_port }}' server_name: '{{ ansible_fqdn }}' server_aliases: '' index: index.html error_page: /path_to_error_page.html ssl_enabled: False ssl_only: False ssl_letsencrypt_certs: '{{ nginx_letsencrypt_managed }}' root: {{ nginx_webroot }} server_tokens: 'off' proxy_standard_setup: True proxy_additional_options: - 'proxy_cache_path /tmp/nginx_cache levels=1:2 keys_zone=cache:30m max_size=250m;' locations: - location: / target: http://localhost:{{ local_http_port }} ``` Dependencies ------------ If basic ldap authentication is required: License ------- EUPL-1.2 Author Information ------------------ Andrea Dell'Amico,