--- - name: Install a global robots.txt block: - name: Install a robots.txt into the global webroot template: src: robots.txt.j2 dest: '{{ nginx_webroot }}/robots.txt' owner: root group: root mode: 0444 when: nginx_install_robots_txt tags: [ 'nginx', 'robots_txt' ] - name: Install a virtualhost specific robots.txt block: - name: Install a robots.txt into the virtualhost webroot template: src: robots.txt.j2 dest: '{{ item.root }}/robots.txt' owner: root group: root mode: 0444 loop: '{{ nginx_virthosts }}' when: nginx_webroot != item.root when: - nginx_install_robots_txt - nginx_virthosts | length - item.root is defined tags: [ 'nginx', 'robots_txt' ] - name: Remove the global robots.txt block: - name: Remove the global robots.txt file: dest: '{{ nginx_webroot }}/robots.txt' state: absent when: not nginx_install_robots_txt tags: [ 'nginx', 'robots_txt' ] - name: Remove the virtualhost specific robots.txt block: - name: Remove the robots.txt into the virtualhost webroot file: dest: '{{ item.root }}/robots.txt' state: absent loop: '{{ nginx_virthosts }}' when: - item.root is defined - not nginx_install_robots_txt - nginx_virthosts | length tags: [ 'nginx', 'robots_txt' ]