
101 lines
3.1 KiB

- block:
- name: Remove the openjdk-r ppa. It is not maintained anymore
apt_repository: repo='{{ dismissed_openjdk_ppa }}' update_cache=yes state=absent
- name: Remove the Oracle JDK PPA
apt_repository: repo='{{ oracle_jdk_ubuntu_ppa }}' state=absent update_cache=yes
- name: Check if we must use the Zulu repository
openjdk_zulu_repo_install: True
- ansible_distribution_major_version <= '16'
- not openjdk_force_system_jdk_on_trusty
tags: [ 'jdk', 'openjdk' ]
- block:
- name: Install the Zulu repository key
apt_key: keyserver='hkp://' id={{ openjdk_zulu_repo_key_id }}
- name: Install the proper Zulu repository
deb: '{{ openjdk_zulu_repository }}'
update_cache: yes
- name: Install the Zulu OpenJDK
pkg: '{{ openjdk_zulu_pkgs }}'
state: '{{ openjdk_pkg_state }}'
update_cache: yes
register: openjdk_installed
- name: Set the default OpenJDK as Zulu
shell: update-java-alternatives {{ openjdk_zulu_alternatives_options }} -s {{ openjdk_zulu_java_home }}
when: openjdk_installed is changed or openjdk_force_default
- name: Set the correct value for jdk_java_home when we are installing Zulu
jdk_java_home: '{{ openjdk_zulu_java_home }}'
when: openjdk_zulu_repo_install
tags: [ 'jdk', 'openjdk' ]
- block:
- name: Remove the Zulu repository package if it is present
pkg: '{{ openjdk_zulu_repository_deb }}'
state: absent
update_cache: yes
- name: Remove the Zulu repository configuration
dest: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/zulu-openjdk.list
state: absent
register: zulu_repo_removal
- name: Update the apt cache
update_cache: True
when: zulu_repo_removal is changed
- name: Install the OpenJDK that comes with the distribution
apt: pkg=openjdk-{{ item.0 }}-{{ item[1] }} state={{ openjdk_pkg_state }} update_cache=yes cache_valid_time=3600
- '{{ openjdk_version }}'
- '{{ openjdk_pkgs }}'
register: openjdk_installed
- name: Set the default OpenJDK
shell: update-java-alternatives -s java-1.{{ openjdk_default }}.0-openjdk-amd64
when: openjdk_installed is changed or openjdk_force_default
ignore_errors: true
- name: Set the correct value for jdk_java_home when we are installing the distribution OpenJDK
jdk_java_home: '{{ openjdk_java_home }}'
when: not openjdk_zulu_repo_install
tags: [ 'jdk', 'openjdk' ]
- block:
- name: Rebuild the Ubuntu keystore
command: update-ca-certificates --fresh
when: openjdk_installed is changed
tags: [ 'jdk', 'openjdk' ]
- block:
- name: Remove the Oracle JDK packages
apt: pkg={{ openjdk_oracle_jdk_pkgs }} state=absent cache_valid_time=3600
- name: Remove the OpenJDK packages fthat come with the distribution when we use the Zulu repository
apt: pkg=openjdk-{{ item.0 }}-{{ item[1] }} state=absent update_cache=yes cache_valid_time=3600
- '{{ openjdk_version }}'
- '{{ openjdk_pkgs }}'
when: openjdk_zulu_repo_install
tags: [ 'jdk', 'openjdk' ]