28 lines
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28 lines
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- block:
- name: Install the python3 EL packages
yum: name={{ py3_el_env_pkg }} state={{ py3_env_pkgs_state }}
# - name: Install the correct pip3 version
# shell: python{{ py3_env_version }} -m ensurepip && pip{{ py3_env_version }} install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
- name: Ensure that we have the latest pip, setuptools and wheel versions
executable: 'pip{{ py3_env_major_version }}'
name: '{{ py3_env_pip_default_pkgs }}'
state: latest
- name: Install a list of binary pip3 packages in wheels format
pip: executable=pip{{ py3_env_major_version }} name={{ py3_env_wheel_pip_pkgs }} state={{ py3_pip_pkgs_state }}
- name: Install a list of versioned pip3 packages on EL
pip: executable=pip{{ py3_env_major_version }} name={{ item.pkg }} version={{ item.version }}
with_items: '{{ py3_env_versioned_pip_pkgs | default ([]) }}'
- name: Install a list of pip3 packages on EL
pip: executable=pip{{ py3_env_major_version }} name={{ py3_env_pip_pkgs }} state={{ py3_pip_pkgs_state }}
when: py3_env_install
tags: [ "python", "py3_env", "py3_env_pkgs", 'python3' ]