Import the old role.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,31 +1,61 @@
Role Name
Role Name
A brief description of the role goes here.
A role that installs simplesaml, <>
Any pre-requisites that may not be covered by Ansible itself or the role should be mentioned here. For instance, if the role uses the EC2 module, it may be a good idea to mention in this section that the boto package is required.
Role Variables
Role Variables
A description of the settable variables for this role should go here, including any variables that are in defaults/main.yml, vars/main.yml, and any variables that can/should be set via parameters to the role. Any variables that are read from other roles and/or the global scope (ie. hostvars, group vars, etc.) should be mentioned here as well.
The most important variables are listed below. See the defaults file for the complete list.
``` yaml
simplesaml_dist_name: Simplesaml
simplesaml_major: 1
simplesaml_minor: 18
simplesaml_fix: 0
simplesaml_tech_name: 'Administrator'
simplesaml_tech_email: ''
# simplesaml_admin_password: use a vault file
simplesaml_protectindexpage: 'true'
simplesaml_protectmetadata: 'false'
simplesaml_loglevel: NOTICE
simplesaml_debug_saml: 'false'
simplesaml_debug_backtraces: 'true'
simplesaml_debug_validatexml: 'false'
simplesaml_php_show_errors: 'false'
simplesaml_error_reporting: 'false'
# Change this one when we are setting up a cluster of simplesaml servers
simplesaml_create_self_signed_cert_host: '{{ ansible_fqdn }}'
simplesaml_provide_an_external_cert: False
simplesaml_servername: '{{ ansible_fqdn }}'
simplesaml_enable_saml20_idp: 'true'
simplesaml_use_uri_nameformat: True
simplesaml_enable_shib13_idp: 'false'
simplesaml_enable_adfs_idp: 'false'
simplesaml_enable_wsfed_sp: 'false'
simplesaml_webcookie: 'false'
simplesaml_cookiename: 'SimpleSAML'
simplesaml_httponly: 'true'
simplesaml_language_default: 'en'
# The sp-remote sytax is quite complex
simplesaml_global_sp_remote_template: False
simplesaml_global_metadata: []
A list of other roles hosted on Galaxy should go here, plus any details in regards to parameters that may need to be set for other roles, or variables that are used from other roles.
* postgresql
* php-fpm
Example Playbook
* nginx
* redis
* memcached
Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:
- hosts: servers
- { role: username.rolename, x: 42 }
@ -35,4 +65,4 @@ EUPL-1.2
Author Information
Author Information
An optional section for the role authors to include contact information, or a website (HTML is not allowed).
Andrea Dell'Amico, <>
@ -1,2 +1,97 @@
# defaults file for ansible-role-template
simplesaml_dist_name: Simplesaml
simplesaml_major: 1
simplesaml_minor: 18
simplesaml_fix: 0
simplesaml_tech_name: 'Administrator'
simplesaml_tech_email: ''
# simplesaml_admin_password: use a vault file
simplesaml_protectindexpage: 'true'
simplesaml_protectmetadata: 'false'
simplesaml_loglevel: NOTICE
simplesaml_debug_saml: 'false'
simplesaml_debug_backtraces: 'true'
simplesaml_debug_validatexml: 'false'
simplesaml_php_show_errors: 'false'
simplesaml_error_reporting: 'false'
# Change this one when we are setting up a cluster of simplesaml servers
simplesaml_create_self_signed_cert_host: '{{ ansible_fqdn }}'
simplesaml_provide_an_external_cert: False
simplesaml_servername: '{{ ansible_fqdn }}'
simplesaml_enable_saml20_idp: 'true'
simplesaml_use_uri_nameformat: True
simplesaml_enable_shib13_idp: 'false'
simplesaml_enable_adfs_idp: 'false'
simplesaml_enable_wsfed_sp: 'false'
simplesaml_webcookie: 'false'
simplesaml_cookiename: 'SimpleSAML'
simplesaml_httponly: 'true'
simplesaml_language_default: 'en'
# The sp-remote sytax is quite complex
simplesaml_global_sp_remote_template: False
simplesaml_global_metadata: []
- 'php-date'
- 'php{{ php_version }}-cli'
- 'php{{ php_version }}-xml'
- 'php{{ php_version }}-mbstring'
- 'php-json'
- php-pear
- php-curl
simplesaml_session_store: 'memcache'
simplesaml_use_redis_sessions: False
simplesaml_redis_host: ''
- 'libphp-predis'
- 'php-redis'
simplesaml_use_ldap: True
- 'php{{ php_version }}-ldap'
simplesaml_use_memcache_sessions: True
- 'php-memcached'
- { host: '', port: 11211 }
simplesaml_use_postgresql: False
simplesaml_use_local_postgresql: False
- 'php{{ php_version }}-pgsql'
simplesaml_use_mysql: False
- 'php{{ php_version }}-mysqlnd'
simplesaml_ldap_name: 'example-ldap'
simplesaml_ldap_host: ''
simplesaml_ldap_enable_tls: 'true'
simplesaml_ldap_debug: 'false'
simplesaml_ldap_server_timeout: 0
simplesaml_ldap_server_port: 389
simplesaml_ldap_dnpattern: 'uid=%username%,ou=people,dc=example,dc=org'
simplesaml_ldap_search_enabled: 'false'
simplesaml_ldap_auth_bind: False
#simplesaml_ldap_search_username: ''
#simplesaml_ldap_search_password: ''
simplesaml_ldap_search_filter_enabled: '{{ simplesaml_ldap_search_enabled }}'
simplesaml_ldap_search_filter: '(objectclass=inetorgperson)'
simplesaml_ldap_search_base: 'ou=people,dc=example,dc=org'
simplesaml_ldap_search_attributes: "['uid', 'mail']"
simplesaml_auth_name: '{{ simplesaml_ldap_name }}'
php_global_settings: '{{ simplesaml_php_global_settings }}'
phpfpm_pools: '{{ simplesaml_phpfpm_pools }}'
@ -1,61 +1,50 @@
author: your name
author: Andrea Dell'Amico
description: your description
description: Systems Architect
company: ISTI-CNR
company: ISTI-CNR
# If the issue tracker for your role is not on github, uncomment the
# next line and provide a value
# Some suggested licenses:
license: EUPL 1.2+
# - BSD (default)
# - MIT
# - GPLv2
# - GPLv3
# - Apache
# - CC-BY
license: EUPL-1.2
min_ansible_version: 2.8
min_ansible_version: 2.8
# If this a Container Enabled role, provide the minimum Ansible Container version.
# min_ansible_container_version:
# Optionally specify the branch Galaxy will use when accessing the GitHub
# repo for this role. During role install, if no tags are available,
# Galaxy will use this branch. During import Galaxy will access files on
# this branch. If Travis integration is configured, only notifications for this
# branch will be accepted. Otherwise, in all cases, the repo's default branch
# (usually master) will be used.
# Provide a list of supported platforms, and for each platform a list of versions.
# If you don't wish to enumerate all versions for a particular platform, use 'all'.
# To view available platforms and versions (or releases), visit:
# To view available platforms and versions (or releases), visit:
# platforms:
# - name: Fedora
- name: Ubuntu
# versions:
# - all
- bionic
# - 25
- name: EL
# - name: SomePlatform
# versions:
- 7
# - all
- 8
# - 1.0
# - 7
# - 99.99
galaxy_tags: []
# List tags for your role here, one per line. A tag is a keyword that describes
- saml
# and categorizes the role. Users find roles by searching for tags. Be sure to
# remove the '[]' above, if you add tags to this list.
# NOTE: A tag is limited to a single word comprised of alphanumeric characters.
# Maximum 20 tags per role.
dependencies: []
# List your role dependencies here, one per line. Be sure to remove the '[]' above,
# if you add dependencies to this list.
- src: git+
version: master
name: postgresql
state: latest
when: simplesaml_use_local_postgresql
- src: git+
version: master
name: php-fpm
state: latest
- src: git+
version: master
name: nginx
state: latest
- src: git+
version: master
name: redis
state: latest
when: simplesaml_use_redis_sessions
- src: git+
version: master
name: memcached
state: latest
when: simplesaml_use_memcache_sessions
@ -1,2 +1,125 @@
# tasks file for ansible-role-template
- block:
- name: Install the php postgresql driver
apt: name={{ simplesaml_php_pg_driver }} state=present cache_valid_time=1800
when: simplesaml_use_postgresql
- name: Install the php ldap driver
apt: name={{ simplesaml_php_ldap_driver }} state=present cache_valid_time=1800
when: simplesaml_use_ldap
- name: Install the php redis driver
apt: name={{ simplesaml_php_redis_driver }} state=present cache_valid_time=1800
when: simplesaml_use_redis_sessions
- name: Install the php memcache driver
apt: name={{ simplesaml_php_memcache_driver }} state=present cache_valid_time=1800
when: simplesaml_use_memcache_sessions
- name: Ensure that the data, log, etc dirs exist
file: path={{ item }} state=directory owner={{ simplesaml_user }} mode=0700
- '{{ simplesaml_tmp_dir }}'
- '{{ simplesaml_cert_dir}}'
- '{{ simplesaml_data_dir }}'
- '{{ simplesaml_log_dir }}'
- '{{ simplesaml_maintenance_dir }}'
- name: Ensure that the download dir exists
file: path={{ item }} state=directory
- '{{ simplesaml_download_dir }}'
- name: Verify if the simplesaml dest data exists
stat: path={{ simplesaml_install_dir }}
register: simplesaml_inst_dir_status
- name: Download the simplesaml distribution file
get_url: url={{ simplesaml_tar_url }} dest={{ simplesaml_download_dir }} validate_certs=yes
when: simplesaml_inst_dir_status.stat.isdir is not defined
- name: Unpack the simplesaml distribution file
unarchive: src={{ simplesaml_download_dir }}/{{ simplesaml_dist_file }} dest={{ simplesaml_srv_base_dir }} remote_src=yes
when: simplesaml_inst_dir_status.stat.isdir is not defined
- name: Move the simplesaml distribution data
shell: mv {{ simplesaml_srv_base_dir }}/{{ simplesaml_dist_basename }} {{ simplesaml_install_dir }}
when: simplesaml_inst_dir_status.stat.isdir is not defined
- name: Create the secret salt
shell: LC_CTYPE=C tr -c -d '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' </dev/urandom | dd bs=32 count=1 2>/dev/null > '{{ simplesaml_maintenance_dir }}/.simplesaml_salt'
creates: '{{ simplesaml_maintenance_dir }}/.simplesaml_salt'
tags: [ 'simplesaml', 'simplesaml_php', 'simplesaml_config' ]
- name: Get the salt value, encode
slurp: src={{ simplesaml_maintenance_dir }}/.simplesaml_salt
register: simplesaml_salt_encoded_value
tags: [ 'simplesaml', 'simplesaml_php', 'simplesaml_config' ]
- name: Decode the salt value
simplesaml_salt_value: "{{ simplesaml_salt_encoded_value['content'] | b64decode }}"
tags: [ 'simplesaml', 'simplesaml_php', 'simplesaml_config' ]
- name: Install the simplesaml config files
template: src={{ item }}.php.j2 dest={{ simplesaml_install_dir }}/config/{{ item }}.php owner=root group={{ simplesaml_user }} mode=0640
- config
- authsources
tags: [ 'simplesaml', 'simplesaml_php', 'simplesaml_config' ]
- name: Install some metadata files
template: src={{ item }}.php.j2 dest={{ simplesaml_install_dir }}/metadata/{{ item }}.php owner=root group={{ simplesaml_user }} mode=0640
- saml20-idp-hosted
- name: Install some metadata files
template: src={{ item }}.php.j2 dest={{ simplesaml_install_dir }}/metadata/{{ item }}.php owner=root group={{ simplesaml_user }} mode=0640
- saml20-sp-remote
when: simplesaml_global_sp_remote_template
tags: [ 'simplesaml', 'simplesaml_php' ]
- block:
- name: Create a long lived self signed certificate for simplesaml
shell: openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout {{ simplesaml_cert_dir }}/key.pem -out {{ simplesaml_cert_dir }}/server.crt -days 3650 -nodes -subj '/CN={{ simplesaml_servername }}'
creates: '{{ simplesaml_cert_dir }}/server.crt'
run_once: True
when: ansible_fqdn == simplesaml_create_self_signed_cert_host
- name: Copy the self signed certificate from the first server to all the others
synchronize: src={{ simplesaml_cert_dir }}/server.crt dest={{ simplesaml_cert_dir }}/server.crt mode=push checksum=yes
delegate_to: '{{ simplesaml_create_self_signed_cert_host }}'
when: ansible_fqdn != simplesaml_create_self_signed_cert_host
- name: Copy the self signed key from the first server to all the others
synchronize: src={{ simplesaml_cert_dir }}/key.pem dest={{ simplesaml_cert_dir }}/key.pem mode=push checksum=yes
delegate_to: '{{ simplesaml_create_self_signed_cert_host }}'
when: ansible_fqdn != simplesaml_create_self_signed_cert_host
- name: Fix the self certificate key permissions
file: dest={{ simplesaml_cert_dir }}/key.pem owner={{ simplesaml_user }} mode=0400
when: not simplesaml_provide_an_external_cert | bool
tags: [ 'simplesaml', 'simplesaml_php', 'simplesaml_cert' ]
- block:
- name: Install the nginx virtualhosts
template: src=nginx-virthost.conf.j2 dest=/etc/nginx/sites-available/{{ item.virthost }} owner=root group=root mode=0444
with_items: '{{ phpfpm_pools }}'
notify: Reload nginx
- name: Enable the nginx virtualhosts
file: src=/etc/nginx/sites-available/{{ item.virthost }} dest=/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/{{ item.virthost }} state=link
with_items: '{{ phpfpm_pools }}'
notify: Reload nginx
- name: Create the nginx body temp directory
file: dest={{ nginx_client_body_temp_dir }} state=directory owner=www-data group=www-data mode=1700
when: nginx_client_body_temp_dir is defined
tags: [ 'simplesaml', 'simplesaml_php', 'nginx', 'virtualhost' ]
@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
$config = [
// This is a authentication source which handles admin authentication.
'admin' => [
// The default is to use core:AdminPassword, but it can be replaced with
// any authentication source.
// An authentication source which can authenticate against both SAML 2.0
// and Shibboleth 1.3 IdPs.
'default-sp' => [
// The entity ID of this SP.
// Can be NULL/unset, in which case an entity ID is generated based on the metadata URL.
'entityID' => null,
// The entity ID of the IdP this SP should contact.
// Can be NULL/unset, in which case the user will be shown a list of available IdPs.
'idp' => null,
// The URL to the discovery service.
// Can be NULL/unset, in which case a builtin discovery service will be used.
'discoURL' => null,
* The attributes parameter must contain an array of desired attributes by the SP.
* The attributes can be expressed as an array of names or as an associative array
* in the form of 'friendlyName' => 'name'. This feature requires 'name' to be set.
* The metadata will then be created as follows:
* <md:RequestedAttribute FriendlyName="friendlyName" Name="name" />
'name' => [
'en' => 'A service',
'no' => 'En tjeneste',
'attributes' => [
'attrname' => 'urn:oid:x.x.x.x',
'attributes.required' => [
{% if simplesaml_use_ldap %}
// Example of a LDAP authentication source.
'{{ simplesaml_ldap_name }}' => [
// Give the user an option to save their username for future login attempts
// And when enabled, what should the default be, to save the username or not
//'remember.username.enabled' => false,
//'remember.username.checked' => false,
// The hostname of the LDAP server.
'hostname' => '{{ simplesaml_ldap_host }}',
// Whether SSL/TLS should be used when contacting the LDAP server.
'enable_tls' => {{ simplesaml_ldap_enable_tls }},
// Whether debug output from the LDAP library should be enabled.
// Default is FALSE.
'debug' => {{ simplesaml_ldap_debug }},
// The timeout for accessing the LDAP server, in seconds.
// The default is 0, which means no timeout.
'timeout' => {{ simplesaml_ldap_server_timeout }},
// The port used when accessing the LDAP server.
// The default is 389.
'port' => {{ simplesaml_ldap_server_port }},
// Set whether to follow referrals. AD Controllers may require FALSE to function.
'referrals' => true,
// Which attributes should be retrieved from the LDAP server.
// This can be an array of attribute names, or NULL, in which case
// all attributes are fetched.
'attributes' => null,
// The pattern which should be used to create the users DN given the username.
// %username% in this pattern will be replaced with the users username.
// This option is not used if the search.enable option is set to TRUE.
'dnpattern' => '{{ simplesaml_ldap_dnpattern }}',
// As an alternative to specifying a pattern for the users DN, it is possible to
// search for the username in a set of attributes. This is enabled by this option.
'search.enable' => {{ simplesaml_ldap_search_enabled }},
// The DN which will be used as a base for the search.
// This can be a single string, in which case only that DN is searched, or an
// array of strings, in which case they will be searched in the order given.
'search.base' => '{{ simplesaml_ldap_search_base }}',
// The attribute(s) the username should match against.
// This is an array with one or more attribute names. Any of the attributes in
// the array may match the value the username.
'search.attributes' => {{ simplesaml_ldap_search_attributes }},
{% if simplesaml_ldap_search_filter_enabled %}
// Additional LDAP filters appended to the search attributes
'search.filter' => '{{ simplesaml_ldap_search_filter }}',
{% endif %}
// The username & password the SimpleSAMLphp should bind to before searching. If
// this is left as NULL, no bind will be performed before searching.
{% if simplesaml_ldap_auth_bind %}
'search.username' => '{{ simplesaml_ldap_search_username }}',
'search.password' => '{{ simplesaml_ldap_search_password }}',
{% else %}
'search.username' => null,
'search.password' => null,
{% endif %}
// If the directory uses privilege separation,
// the authenticated user may not be able to retrieve
// all required attribures, a privileged entity is required
// to get them. This is enabled with this option.
'' => false,
// The DN & password the SimpleSAMLphp should bind to before
// retrieving attributes. These options are required if
// '' is set to TRUE.
'priv.username' => null,
'priv.password' => null,
{% endif %}
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
upstream php-handler {
server {{ item.listen }};
#server unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock;
server {
listen 80;
listen [::]:80;
server_name {{ item.nginx_servername }};
# enforce https
location ~ /\.(?!well-known).* {
deny all;
access_log off;
log_not_found off;
return 404;
include /etc/nginx/snippets/letsencrypt-proxy.conf;
location / {
return 301 https://$server_name$request_uri;
server {
listen 443 ssl http2;
listen [::]:443 ssl http2;
server_name {{ item.nginx_servername }};
include /etc/nginx/snippets/nginx-server-ssl.conf;
server_tokens off;
{% if haproxy_ips is defined %}
# We are behind haproxy
{% for ip in haproxy_ips %}
set_real_ip_from {{ ip }};
{% endfor %}
real_ip_header X-Forwarded-For;
{% endif %}
# Add headers to serve security related headers
# Before enabling Strict-Transport-Security headers please read into this
# topic first.
# add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=15768000;
# includeSubDomains; preload;";
# WARNING: Only add the preload option once you read about
# the consequences in This option
# will add the domain to a hardcoded list that is shipped
# in all major browsers and getting removed from this list
# could take several months.
add_header X-Content-Type-Options nosniff;
add_header X-XSS-Protection "1; mode=block";
add_header X-Robots-Tag none;
add_header X-Download-Options noopen;
add_header X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies none;
# Path to the root of your installation
root {{ item.doc_root }};
location = /robots.txt {
allow all;
log_not_found off;
access_log off;
location = /favicon.ico {
log_not_found off;
access_log off;
location /simplesaml {
alias {{ simplesaml_install_dir }}/www;
location ~ ^(?<prefix>/simplesaml)(?<phpfile>.+?\.php)(?<pathinfo>/.*)?$ {
include snippets/fastcgi-php.conf;
fastcgi_pass php-handler;
fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+?\.php)(/.+)$;
fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$phpfile;
fastcgi_param PATH_INFO $pathinfo if_not_empty;
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
* SAML 2.0 IdP configuration for SimpleSAMLphp.
* See:
$metadata['__DYNAMIC:1__'] = [
* The hostname of the server (VHOST) that will use this SAML entity.
* Can be '__DEFAULT__', to use this entry by default.
'host' => '__DEFAULT__',
// X.509 key and certificate. Relative to the cert directory.
'privatekey' => 'key.pem',
'certificate' => 'server.crt',
* Authentication source to use. Must be one that is configured in
* 'config/authsources.php'.
'auth' => '{{ simplesaml_auth_name }}',
{% if simplesaml_use_uri_nameformat %}
/* Uncomment the following to use the uri NameFormat on attributes. */
'attributes.NameFormat' => 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:uri',
'authproc' => [
// Convert LDAP names to oids.
100 => ['class' => 'core:AttributeMap', 'name2oid'],
{% endif %}
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
* SAML 2.0 remote SP metadata for SimpleSAMLphp.
* See:
{% for metadata_info in simplesaml_global_metadata %}
{{ metadata_info }}
{% endfor %}
@ -1,2 +1,50 @@
# vars file for ansible-role-template
nginx_use_common_virthost: False
phpfpm_default_user: '{{ simplesaml_user }}'
phpfpm_default_pool_name: simplesaml
redis_install: '{{ simplesaml_use_redis_sessions }}'
http_port: 80
https_port: 443
php_from_ppa: True
php_version: 7.4
php_additional_packages: '{{ simplesaml_php_prereq }}'
phpfpm_default_memory_limit: "512M"
simplesaml_dist_version: '{{ simplesaml_major }}.{{ simplesaml_minor }}.{{ simplesaml_fix }}'
simplesaml_dist_basename: 'simplesamlphp-{{ simplesaml_dist_version }}'
simplesaml_dist_file: '{{ simplesaml_dist_basename }}.tar.gz'
simplesaml_download_file: '{{ simplesaml_dist_basename }}.tar.gz'
simplesaml_tar_url: '{{ simplesaml_dist_version }}/{{ simplesaml_dist_file }}'
simplesaml_srv_base_dir: /srv/simplesaml
simplesaml_download_dir: /srv/simplesaml_download
simplesaml_tmp_dir: '{{ simplesaml_srv_base_dir }}/tmp/'
simplesaml_cert_dir: '{{ simplesaml_srv_base_dir }}/cert/'
simplesaml_data_dir: '{{ simplesaml_srv_base_dir }}/data/'
simplesaml_maintenance_dir: '{{ simplesaml_srv_base_dir }}/maintenance'
simplesaml_log_dir: /var/log/simplesaml
simplesaml_install_dir: /var/simplesamlphp
simplesaml_user: simplesaml
- { option: 'always_populate_raw_post_data', value: '-1' }
- { option: 'allow_url_fopen', value: 'on' }
- { option: 'max_execution_time', value: '240' }
- { option: 'memory_limit', value: '{{ phpfpm_default_memory_limit }}' }
- { option: 'max_input_vars', value: '1400' }
- { option: 'post_max_size', value: '32M' }
- { option: 'upload_max_filesize', value: '32M' }
- { option: 'opcache.enable', value: '1' }
- { option: 'opcache.enable_cli', value: '1' }
- { option: 'opcache.interned_strings_buffer', value: '8' }
- { option: 'opcache.max_accelerated_files', value: '10000' }
- { option: 'opcache.memory_consumption', value: '128' }
- { option: 'opcache.save_comments', value: '1' }
- { option: 'opcache.revalidate_freq', value: '1' }
php_cli_global_settings: '{{ php_global_settings }}'
- { pool_name: '{{ phpfpm_default_pool_name }}', app_context: '{{ phpfpm_default_context }}', user: '{{ phpfpm_default_user }}', group: '{{ phpfpm_default_group }}', listen: '{{ phpfpm_default_listen }}', allowed_clients: '{{ phpfpm_default_allowed_clients }}', pm: '{{ phpfpm_default_pm }}', pm_max_children: '{{ phpfpm_default_pm_max_children }}', pm_start_servers: '{{ phpfpm_default_pm_start_servers }}', pm_min_spare: '{{ phpfpm_default_pm_min_spare_servers }}', pm_max_spare: '{{ phpfpm_default_pm_max_spare_servers }}', pm_max_requests: '{{ phpfpm_default_pm_max_requests }}', pm_status_enabled: '{{ phpfpm_default_pm_status_enabled }}', pm_status_path: '{{ phpfpm_default_pm_status_path }}', ping_enabled: '{{ phpfpm_default_ping_enabled }}', ping_path: '{{ phpfpm_default_ping_path }}', ping_response: '{{ phpfpm_default_ping_response }}', display_errors: '{{ phpfpm_default_display_errors }}', log_errors: '{{ phpfpm_default_log_errors }}', memory_limit: '{{ phpfpm_default_memory_limit }}', slowlog_timeout: '{{ phpfpm_default_slowlog_timeout }}', rlimit_files: '{{ phpfpm_default_rlimit_files }}', php_extensions: '{{ phpfpm_default_extensions }}', define_custom_variables: '{{ phpfpm_default_define_custom_variables }}', doc_root: '{{ simplesaml_install_dir }}/www', req_term_timeout: '240s', virthost: '{{ simplesaml_servername }}', nginx_servername: '{{ simplesaml_servername }}' }
Reference in New Issue