47 lines
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47 lines
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- block:
- name: Create a directory to store the logs of the wp maintenance commands
file: dest=/var/log/wordpress_maintenance state=directory owner={{ wordpress_system_user }} mode=0755
tags: wordpress
- block:
- name: Update thw WP core.
command: wp core update {% if wordpress_auto_upgrade_minor_only %} --minor{% endif %}
chdir: '{{ wordpress_doc_root }}'
when: wordpress_auto_upgrade | bool
- name: Cron job that updates the Wordpress core
name: "Update the Wordpress core"
special_time: 'daily'
job: "cd {{ wordpress_doc_root }} && /usr/local/bin/wp core update {% if wordpress_auto_upgrade_minor_only %} --minor{% endif %} > /var/log/wordpress_maintenance/wp_core_update.log 2>&1"
state: present
user: '{{ wordpress_system_user }}'
- name: Upgrade all the plugins
command: wp plugin update --all
chdir: '{{ wordpress_doc_root }}'
when: wordpress_auto_upgrade_all_plugins | bool
- name: Upgrade a list of plugins
command: wp plugin update {{ item }}
chdir: '{{ wordpress_doc_root }}'
with_items: '{{ wordpress_plugins_upgrade_list }}'
when: wordpress_plugins_upgrade_list is defined
- name: Cron job that updates the Wordpress plugins
name: "Update the Wordpress plugins"
special_time: 'daily'
job: "cd {{ wordpress_doc_root }} && /usr/local/bin/wp plugin update --all > /var/log/wordpress_maintenance/wp_plugins_update.log 2>&1"
state: present
user: '{{ wordpress_system_user }}'
become: True
become_user: '{{ wordpress_system_user }}'
tags: wordpress