44 lines
1.8 KiB
44 lines
1.8 KiB
- block:
- name: Install the EGI repos key
apt_key: url={{ voms_egi_repo_key }} state=present
- name: Install the egi-trustedanchors repository
apt_repository: repo='{{ voms_egi_trustanchors_repo }}' state=present filename='egi-trustanchors' update_cache=yes
- name: Install the UMD-3-base repository
apt_repository: repo='{{ voms_base_client_repo }}' state=present filename='UMD-3-base' update_cache=yes
- name: Install the UMD-3-updates repository
apt_repository: repo='{{ voms_updates_client_repo }}' state=present filename='UMD-3-updates' update_cache=yes
- name: Install the CRL fetcher package
apt: pkg={{ item }} state=present
with_items: '{{ voms_fetch_crl_pkgs }}'
- name: Install the CRL fetcher package
apt: pkg={{ item }} state=present
with_items: '{{ voms_client_pkgs }}'
- name: Enable the fetch-crls service. A cron job, really
service: name=fetch-crl-cron state=started enabled=yes
- name: Create the VOMS trusted anchors directories
file: dest={{ voms_trustanchors_base_directory }}/{{ item.name }} state=directory
with_items: '{{ voms_trusted_anchors_data }}'
- name: Define the VOMS trusted anchors, lsc version
template: src=lsc-gridsecurity-content.j2 dest={{ voms_trustanchors_base_directory }}/{{ item.name }}.lsc
with_items: '{{ voms_trusted_anchors_data }}'
- name: Define the VOMS trusted anchors
template: src=gridsecurity-content.j2 dest={{ voms_trustanchors_base_directory }}/{{ item.name }}
with_items: '{{ voms_trusted_anchors_data }}'
- name: Define the VOMS definitions
template: src=voms-data.j2 dest={{ voms_config_base_directory }}/{{ item.name }}
with_items: '{{ voms_data }}'
when: voms_egi_install
tags: [ 'voms', 'egi', 'occi', 'rocci' ]