2017-04-28 10:36:18 +02:00
- block:
- name: Remove the old dm_pool_manager files
2017-09-14 19:01:11 +02:00
file: path={{ item }} state=absent
- '{{ smartgears_instance_path }}/webapps/{{ dm_pool_manager_name }}'
- '{{ smartgears_instance_path }}/webapps/{{ dm_pool_manager_name }}.{{ dm_pool_manager_extension }}'
2017-09-25 18:07:42 +02:00
notify: Restart smartgears
2017-09-14 19:01:11 +02:00
become: True
become_user: '{{ d4science_user }}'
when: not dm_pool_manager_install
tags: [ 'smartgears', 'dm_pool_manager', 'tomcat' ]
2017-09-15 12:26:38 +02:00
- block:
2017-04-28 10:36:18 +02:00
- name: Get the dm_pool_manager
2018-10-26 12:50:50 +02:00
maven_artifact: artifact_id={{ dm_pool_manager_name }} version={{ dm_pool_manager_version | default(omit) }} group_id={{ dm_pool_manager_group_id }} extension={{ dm_pool_manager_extension | default('war') }} repository_url={{ smartgears_global_base_url }} dest={{ smartgears_downloads_dir }}/{{ dm_pool_manager_file }} verify_checksum=always
2017-09-25 18:07:42 +02:00
register: dm_pool_manager_download
2017-04-28 10:36:18 +02:00
2017-09-25 18:07:42 +02:00
- name: Remove the old dm_pool_manager files
file: path={{ smartgears_instance_path }}/webapps/{{ dm_pool_manager_name }} state=absent
2018-08-09 18:48:09 +02:00
when: dm_pool_manager_download is changed
2017-09-25 18:07:42 +02:00
2018-11-22 09:56:12 +01:00
- name: Remove the work folder
file: dest={{ smartgears_user_home }}/dataminer-pool-manager/work state=absent
file: dest={{ smartgears_user_home }}/dataminer-pool-manager/work state=directory
when: dm_pool_manager_download is changed
- name: Remove the job folder
file: dest={{ smartgears_user_home }}/dataminer-pool-manager/jobs state=absent
file: dest={{ smartgears_user_home }}/dataminer-pool-manager/jobs state=directory
when: dm_pool_manager_download is changed
2017-04-28 10:36:18 +02:00
- name: Create the dm_pool_manager working directory
file: path={{ smartgears_instance_path }}/webapps/{{ dm_pool_manager_name }} state=directory owner={{ smartgears_user }} group={{ smartgears_user }}
- name: Unarchive the dm_pool_manager war
2017-09-14 19:01:11 +02:00
unarchive: copy=no src={{ smartgears_downloads_dir }}/{{ dm_pool_manager_file }} dest={{ smartgears_instance_path }}/webapps/{{ dm_pool_manager_name }} creates={{ smartgears_instance_path }}/webapps/{{ dm_pool_manager_name }}/WEB-INF/lib
2017-09-25 18:07:42 +02:00
notify: Restart smartgears
2017-09-05 18:32:31 +02:00
2017-10-06 12:36:32 +02:00
# - name: Install the dm-pool-manager web.xml template
# template: src=web.xml.j2 dest={{ smartgears_instance_path }}/webapps/dataminer-pool-manager/WEB-INF/web.xml mode=0440
2017-09-05 18:58:21 +02:00
2017-09-05 18:32:31 +02:00
- name: Ensures conf dir exists
file: path={{ item.user_home }}/dataminer-pool-manager/dpmConfig state=directory recurse=true
with_items: '{{ tomcat_m_instances }}'
2017-09-19 19:58:22 +02:00
# Create a 2048-bit SSH key for user jsmith in ~jsmith/.ssh/id_rsa
- name: create user key
user: name='{{ smartgears_user }}' generate_ssh_key=yes ssh_key_bits=2048 ssh_key_file=.ssh/id_rsa
2017-11-09 18:38:26 +01:00
# - name: Install the additional service default file
# template: src=service.properties.j2 dest={{ item.user_home }}/dataminer-pool-manager/dpmConfig/service.properties mode=0444
# with_items: '{{ tomcat_m_instances }}'
# notify: Restart smartgears
2017-04-28 10:36:18 +02:00
2017-09-05 18:32:31 +02:00
- name: Install the packages required to dm-pool-manager-service
become_user: root
2017-09-07 12:23:27 +02:00
apt: pkg={{ item }} state=present update_cache=yes cache_valid_time=1800 force=yes
2017-09-05 18:32:31 +02:00
with_items: '{{ dm_pool_manager_pkgs }}'
2017-04-28 10:36:18 +02:00
2017-09-07 12:23:27 +02:00
- name: First checkout from subversion
subversion: repo={{ dm_pool_svn_url }} dest={{ smartgears_user_home }}/checkout checkout=yes force=yes update=yes username="{{ svn_user }}" password="{{ svn_pass }}"
2017-09-12 12:28:51 +02:00
when: not dm_pool_manager_upgrade
2017-09-07 12:23:27 +02:00
tags: [ 'tomcat', 'dataminer', 'wps', 'dataminer_algorithms', 'dataminer_algorithms_svn' ]
2017-04-28 10:36:18 +02:00
become: True
become_user: '{{ d4science_user }}'
2017-09-05 18:32:31 +02:00
when: dm_pool_manager_install
2017-04-28 10:36:18 +02:00
tags: [ 'smartgears', 'dm_pool_manager', 'tomcat' ]