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- block:
- name: Install the package source and the Couchbase public keys
apt: deb={{ couchbase_repo_pkg_url }}
register: couchbase_repo_pkg
- name: Update the apt cache if needed
apt: update_cache=yes
when: couchbase_repo_pkg is changed
- name: Install the couchbase community server package
apt: pkg={{ item }} update_cache=yes cache_valid_time=3600
- couchbase-server-community
- couchbase_install_packages
- couchbase_install_from_repo
tags: couchbase
- block:
- name: Get and install the specific Couchbase package
apt: deb={{ couchbase_direct_package_url }}
- couchbase_install_packages
- not couchbase_install_from_repo
tags: couchbase
- block:
- name: Install the backup script when needed
template: src=couchbase_backup.j2 dest=/usr/local/bin/couchbase_backup owner=root group=root mode=0550
when: couchbase_backup_enabled
- name: Ensure couchbase is started and enabled
service: name=couchbase-server state=started enabled=yes
when: couchbase_start_server
- name: Ensure couchbase is stopped and disabled
service: name=couchbase-server state=stopped enabled=no
when: not couchbase_start_server
when: couchbase_install_packages
tags: [ 'couchbase', 'couchbase_backup' ]
- block:
- name: Ensure couchbase is stopped and disabled
service: name=couchbase-server state=stopped enabled=no
- name: Remove the couchbase server package
apt: pkg={{ item }} state=absent update-cache=yes purge=yes
- 'couchbase-server-community'
- 'couchbase-release'
- name: Remove the couchbase backup script and the couchbase non packaged files
file: dest={{ item }} state=absent
- '/usr/local/bin/couchbase_backup'
- '/opt/couchbase'
when: not couchbase_install_packages
tags: couchbase