39 lines
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39 lines
1.9 KiB
- block:
- name: Install the TextPro ITA deb dependencies
apt: pkg={{ item }} state=present update_cache=yes cache_valid_time=1800
with_items: '{{ textpro_ita_required_packages }}'
- name: Create the TextPro ITA dest directory
file: dest=/srv/textpro-ita state=directory
- name: Get the TextPro ITA distribution
git: repo={{ textpro_ita_repo_url }} dest=/srv/textpro-ita update=no
- name: Create the required subdirectories
file: dest=/srv/textpro-ita/{{ item }} state=directory
- TextPro2.0/modules/MaltParser/model/ITA
- TextPro2.0/modules/TimePro/models
- TextPro2.0/modules/TempRelPro/models
- TextPro2.0/modules/EventPro/models
- name: Copy the modules files on the correct directories
shell: cp -rp /srv/textpro-ita/textpro-models/DepParser/* /srv/textpro-ita/TextPro2.0/modules/MaltParser/model/ITA/ ; cp -rp /srv/textpro-ita/textpro-models/TimePro/* /srv/textpro-ita/TextPro2.0/modules/TimePro/models/ ; cp -rp /srv/textpro-ita/textpro-models/TempRelPro/* /srv/textpro-ita/TextPro2.0/modules/TempRelPro/models/ ; cp -rp /srv/textpro-ita/textpro-models/EventPro/* /srv/textpro-ita/TextPro2.0/modules/EventPro/models/
creates: /srv/textpro-ita/TextPro2.0/modules/MaltParser/model/ITA/tut-tagpro-fulltrain.mco
- name: Compile and install the TextPro ITA distribution
shell: cd /srv/textpro-ita/TextPro2.0 ; export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle ; ./INSTALL.sh > /srv/textpro_ita_install.log 2>&1
creates: /srv/textpro-ita/TextPro2.0/textpro.sh
- name: Give the ownership of the files to the gcube user (WTF?)
file: dest=/srv/textpro-ita state=directory owner=gcube group=gcube recurse=yes
- name: Create a link to the executable in the standard path
file: src=/srv/textpro-ita/TextPro2.0/textpro.sh dest=/usr/local/bin/textpro state=link
tags: [ 'textpro_ita', 'dataminer' ]