2018-01-10 17:44:57 +01:00
- block:
- name: Create the user under prometheus will run
user: name={{ prometheus_user }} home={{ prometheus_home }} createhome=no shell=/usr/sbin/nologin system=yes
- name: Create the prometheus server base and conf directories
file: dest={{ item }} state=directory owner=root group=root
- '{{ prometheus_home }}'
- '{{ prometheus_confdir }}'
- '{{ prometheus_dist_dir }}'
- name: Create the prometheus directory structure
file: dest={{ prometheus_home }}/{{ item }} state=directory owner={{ prometheus_user }} group={{ prometheus_user }}
- data
- logs
- name: Download prometheus
get_url: url={{ prometheus_download_url }} dest=/srv/
- name: Unarchive the prometheus distribution
unarchive: src=/srv/{{ prometheus_file }} dest={{ prometheus_dist_dir }} remote_src=yes
creates: '{{ prometheus_dist_dir }}/{{ prometheus_dir }}/prometheus'
notify: Restart prometheus
- name: Install the prometheus configuration
2018-04-19 19:48:50 +02:00
template: src=prometheus.yml.j2 dest={{ prometheus_confdir }}/prometheus.yml force=no
2018-01-10 17:44:57 +01:00
notify: Reload prometheus
2018-04-19 19:48:50 +02:00
- name: Install the prometheus defaults
template: src=prometheus.default.j2 dest=/etc/default/prometheus mode=0644 owner=root group=root
2018-01-10 17:44:57 +01:00
- name: Install the prometheus upstart script
copy: src=prometheus.upstart dest=/etc/init/prometheus.conf mode=0644 owner=root group=root
2018-04-19 19:48:50 +02:00
when: ansible_service_mgr != 'systemd'
2018-01-10 17:44:57 +01:00
2018-04-19 19:48:50 +02:00
- name: Install the prometheus server systemd unit
copy: src=prometheus.systemd dest=/etc/systemd/system/prometheus.service mode=0644 owner=root group=root
when: ansible_service_mgr == 'systemd'
notify: systemd reload
2018-01-10 17:44:57 +01:00
- name: Ensure that prometheus is started and enabled
service: name=prometheus state=started enabled=yes
tags: prometheus
when: prometheus_install
- block:
- name: Ensure that prometheus is stopped and disabled
service: name=prometheus state=stopped enabled=no
- name: Remove the prometheus init script
file: dest=/etc/init/prometheus.conf state=absent
- name: Remove all the prometheus files
file: dest={{ prometheus_home }} state=absent
tags: prometheus
when: not prometheus_install