diff --git a/library/roles/solr/defaults/main.yml b/library/roles/solr/defaults/main.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index a651e11..0000000
--- a/library/roles/solr/defaults/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-# solr
-solr_install: False
-solr_version: 7.4.0
-solr_http_port: 8983
-solr_service: -solr
-solr_config_name: hindex
-solr_shards: 1
-solr_instance: '{{ solr_service }}'
-solr_custom_log4j: False
-solr_rotate_logs_on_start: 'true'
-solr_log_dir: /var/log/solr
-solr_log_level: ERROR
-solr_http_port_1: '{{ solr_http_port }}'
-solr_zoo_port: 9983
-solr_zoo_port_1: 9984
-solr_zoo_port_2: 9985
-solr_jmx_port_1: 8601
-solr_jmx_enabled: 'false'
-solr_user: solr
-solr_group: solr
-# We need to define this one because we are using the tomcat multiple instances role
-solr_base_dir: /opt
-solr_server_dir: '{{ solr_base_dir }}/solr'
-solr_data_dir: '{{ solr_server_dir }}/server/solr'
-solr_conf_dir: '{{ solr_server_dir }}/conf'
-solr_collections_base_dir: '{{ solr_data_dir }}/data/solr'
-solr_pid_dir: '{{ solr_server_dir }}/bin'
-solr_heap:  1024M
-solr_mode: solrcloud
-solr_download_dir: '{{ solr_base_dir }}/download'
-solr_zookeeper_data_dir: '{{ solr_data_dir }}/zoo_data'
-solr_install_collection1: False
-solr_download_url: 'http://www-eu.apache.org/dist/lucene/solr/{{ solr_version }}/solr-{{ solr_version }}.tgz'
-  - contrib/analysis-extras/lib/icu4*.jar
-  - contrib/analysis-extras/lucene-libs/lucene-analyzers-icu*.jar
-solr_startup_opts: '-Ddisable.configEdit=true'
-solr_set_gc_options: False
-#solr_gc_tune: '-XX:NewRatio=3 -XX:SurvivorRatio=4'
-solr_gc_tune: ''
-solr_multicore: False
-  - collection1
-solr_cloud_mode: True
-# When we want to use an external zookeeper cluster, set this one to True
-solr_zk_external_cluster: False
-solr_zk_hosts: ''
-solr_zk_timeout: 15000
-solr_prometheus_exporter: True
-solr_prometheus_port: 9983
-solr_prometheus_threads: 2
-solr_prometheus_bindir: '{{ solr_server_dir }}/contrib/prometheus-exporter/bin'
-solr_prometheus_command: 'solr-exporter'
-solr_prometheus_command_params: '-p {{ solr_prometheus_port }} -b {{ solr_zk_hosts }} -f {{ solr_prometheus_conf_file }} -n {{ solr_prometheus_threads }}' 
-solr_prometheus_data_dir: '{{ solr_base_dir }}/solr_prometheus_exporter'
-solr_prometheus_conf_dir: '{{ solr_prometheus_data_dir }}/conf'
-solr_prometheus_conf_file: '{{ solr_prometheus_conf_dir }}/solr-exporter-config.xml'
diff --git a/library/roles/solr/handlers/main.yml b/library/roles/solr/handlers/main.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d2eb9c..0000000
--- a/library/roles/solr/handlers/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-- name: solr restart
-  service: name=solr state=restarted
-- name: Restart Solr prometheus exporter
-  service: name=solr_prometheus_exporter state=restarted enabled=yes
diff --git a/library/roles/solr/meta/main.yml b/library/roles/solr/meta/main.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 755ffdc..0000000
--- a/library/roles/solr/meta/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-  - { role: '../../library/roles/openjdk' }
diff --git a/library/roles/solr/tasks/main.yml b/library/roles/solr/tasks/main.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 00f62e2..0000000
--- a/library/roles/solr/tasks/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-- block:
-    - name: Create a solr user
-      user: name={{ solr_user }} home={{ solr_base_dir }} createhome=yes shell=/bin/bash
-    - name: Create the downloads directory
-      file: dest={{ solr_download_dir }} state=directory
-    - name: Download solr
-      get_url: url='{{ solr_download_url }}' dest={{ solr_download_dir }}/solr-{{ solr_version }}.tgz validate_certs=no
-    - name: Unarchive solr release
-      unarchive: src={{ solr_download_dir }}/solr-{{ solr_version }}.tgz dest={{ solr_base_dir }} copy=no
-      args:
-        creates: '{{ solr_base_dir }}/bin/solr'
-    - name: Link to the latest release
-      file: src={{ solr_base_dir }}/solr-{{ solr_version }} dest={{ solr_server_dir }} state=link
-    - name: Create the solr service, download, data and logs directories
-      file: path={{ item }} state=directory owner={{ solr_user }} group={{ solr_user }}
-      with_items:
-        - '{{ solr_download_dir }}'
-        - '{{ solr_data_dir }}'
-        - '{{ solr_pid_dir }}'
-        - '{{ solr_log_dir }}'
-    - name: Fix the permissions of the solr server directory
-      file: dest={{ solr_data_dir }} state=directory owner={{ solr_user }} group={{ solr_user }} recurse=yes
-    - name: Create the solr lib directory
-      file: dest={{ solr_data_dir }}/lib state=directory
-    - name: Create the solr conf directory
-      file: dest={{ solr_conf_dir }} state=directory
-    - name: Install the zookeeper configuration
-      template: src={{ item }}.j2 dest={{ solr_data_dir }}/{{ item }}
-      with_items:
-        - solr.xml
-        - zoo.cfg
-      notify: solr restart
-      tags: [ 'solr', 'solr_default', 'solr_conf' ]
-    - name: copy extra libraries
-      shell: cd {{ solr_server_dir }}; cp -u {{ item }} {{ solr_data_dir }}/lib
-      with_items: '{{ solr_jar_files }}'
-    - name: install the solr init script
-      template: src=solr  dest=/etc/init.d/solr mode=0755 owner=root group=root
-    - name: Install the solr default
-      template: src=solr-default.j2 dest=/etc/default/solr.in.sh mode=0644 owner=root group=root
-      notify: solr restart
-      tags: [ 'solr', 'solr_default', 'solr_conf' ]
-    - name: Start and enable the solr service
-      service: name=solr state=started enabled=yes
-      ignore_errors: True
-  become: True
-  become_user: root
-  when: solr_install
-  tags: solr
-- block:
-  - name: Create the Solr prometheus exporter conf directory
-    file: dest={{ solr_prometheus_conf_dir }} state=directory mode=0755
-  - name: Install the Solr prometheus exporter config file
-    template: src=solr-exporter-config.xml dest={{ solr_prometheus_conf_file }} mode=0644
-    notify: Restart Solr prometheus exporter
-    tags: [ 'solr', 'solr_prometheus', 'solr_prometheus_exporter', 'solr_prometheus_exporter_config' ]
-  - name: Install the Solr prometheus exporter upstart script
-    template: src=solr_prometheus_exporter.upstart.j2 dest=/etc/init/solr_prometheus_exporter.conf mode=0644 owner=root group=root
-    when: ansible_service_mgr != 'systemd'
-  - name: Install the Solr prometheus exporter systemd unit
-    template: src=solr_prometheus_exporter.systemd.j2 dest=/etc/systemd/system/solr_prometheus_exporter.service mode=0644 owner=root group=root
-    when: ansible_service_mgr == 'systemd'
-    notify: systemd reload
-  - name: Ensure that Solr prometheus exporter is started and enabled
-    service: name=solr_prometheus_exporter state=started enabled=yes
-  become: True
-  become_user: root
-  when:
-    - solr_install
-    - solr_prometheus_exporter
-  tags: [ 'solr', 'solr_prometheus', 'solr_prometheus_exporter' ]
diff --git a/library/roles/solr/templates/solr b/library/roles/solr/templates/solr
deleted file mode 100755
index c2bee7b..0000000
--- a/library/roles/solr/templates/solr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
-# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# Provides:          solr
-# Required-Start:    $remote_fs $syslog
-# Required-Stop:     $remote_fs $syslog
-# Default-Start:     2 3 4 5
-# Default-Stop:      0 1 6
-# Description:       Controls Apache Solr as a Service
-# Example of a very simple *nix init script that delegates commands to the bin/solr script
-# Typical usage is to do:
-#   cp bin/init.d/solr /etc/init.d/solr
-#   chmod 755 /etc/init.d/solr
-#   chown root:root /etc/init.d/solr
-#   update-rc.d solr defaults
-#   update-rc.d solr enable
-# Where you extracted the Solr distribution bundle
-SOLR_INSTALL_DIR="{{ solr_server_dir }}"
-if [ ! -d "$SOLR_INSTALL_DIR" ]; then
-  echo "$SOLR_INSTALL_DIR not found! Please check the SOLR_INSTALL_DIR setting in your $0 script."
-  exit 1
-# Path to an include file that defines environment specific settings to override default
-# variables used by the bin/solr script. It's highly recommended to define this script so
-# that you can keep the Solr binary files separated from live files (pid, logs, index data, etc)
-# see bin/solr.in.sh for an example
-if [ ! -f "$SOLR_ENV" ]; then
-  echo "$SOLR_ENV not found! Please check the SOLR_ENV setting in your $0 script."
-  exit 1
-# Specify the user to run Solr as; if not set, then Solr will run as root.
-# Running Solr as root is not recommended for production environments
-# verify the specified run as user exists
-runas_uid="`id -u "$RUNAS"`"
-if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
-  echo "User $RUNAS not found! Please create the $RUNAS user before running this script."
-  exit 1
-case "$1" in
-  start|stop|restart|status)
-    SOLR_CMD="$1"
-    ;;
-  *)
-    echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|status}"
-    exit
-if [ -n "$RUNAS" ]; then
-  su -c "SOLR_INCLUDE=\"$SOLR_ENV\" \"$SOLR_INSTALL_DIR/bin/solr\" $SOLR_CMD" - "$RUNAS"
diff --git a/library/roles/solr/templates/solr-default.j2 b/library/roles/solr/templates/solr-default.j2
deleted file mode 100644
index 6835a30..0000000
--- a/library/roles/solr/templates/solr-default.j2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
-# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-SOLR_INSTALL_DIR="{{ solr_data_dir }}"
-# By default the script will use JAVA_HOME to determine which java
-# to use, but you can set a specific path for Solr to use without
-# affecting other Java applications on your server/workstation.
-# This controls the number of seconds that the solr script will wait for
-# Solr to stop gracefully or Solr to start.  If the graceful stop fails,
-# the script will forcibly stop Solr.  If the start fails, the script will
-# give up waiting and display the last few lines of the logfile.
-# Increase Java Heap as needed to support your indexing / query needs
-SOLR_HEAP="{{ solr_heap }}"
-# Expert: If you want finer control over memory options, specify them directly
-# Comment out SOLR_HEAP if you are using this though, that takes precedence
-#SOLR_JAVA_MEM="-Xms512m -Xmx512m"
-# Enable verbose GC logging...
-#  * If this is unset, various default options will be selected depending on which JVM version is in use
-#  * For java8 or lower: if this is set, additional params will be added to specify the log file & rotation
-#  * For java9 or higher: each included opt param that starts with '-Xlog:gc', but does not include an output
-#    specifier, will have a 'file' output specifier (as well as formatting & rollover options) appended,
-#    using the effective value of the SOLR_LOGS_DIR.
-#GC_LOG_OPTS='-Xlog:gc*'  # (java9)
-#GC_LOG_OPTS="-verbose:gc -XX:+PrintHeapAtGC -XX:+PrintGCDetails \
-#  -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps -XX:+PrintTenuringDistribution -XX:+PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime"
-{% if solr_set_gc_options %}
-GC_LOG_OPTS="-verbose:gc -XX:+PrintHeapAtGC -XX:+PrintGCDetails \
-  -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps -XX:+PrintTenuringDistribution -XX:+PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime"
-{% endif %}
-# These GC settings have shown to work well for a number of common Solr workloads
-GC_TUNE="{{ solr_gc_tune }}"
-# Set the ZooKeeper connection string if using an external ZooKeeper ensemble
-# e.g. host1:2181,host2:2181/chroot
-# Leave empty if not using SolrCloud
-{% if solr_zk_external_cluster %}
-ZK_HOST="{{ solr_zk_hosts }}"
-{% endif %}
-# Set the ZooKeeper client timeout (for SolrCloud mode)
-ZK_CLIENT_TIMEOUT="{{ solr_zk_timeout }}"
-# By default the start script uses "localhost"; override the hostname here
-# for production SolrCloud environments to control the hostname exposed to cluster state
-# By default the start script uses UTC; override the timezone if needed
-# Set to true to activate the JMX RMI connector to allow remote JMX client applications
-# to monitor the JVM hosting Solr; set to "false" to disable that behavior
-# (false is recommended in production environments)
-ENABLE_REMOTE_JMX_OPTS="{{ solr_jmx_enabled }}"
-# The script will use SOLR_PORT+10000 for the RMI_PORT or you can set it here
-RMI_PORT={{ solr_jmx_port_1 }}
-# SOLR additional options
-SOLR_OPTS="$SOLR_OPTS {{ solr_startup_opts }}"
-# Set the thread stack size
-{% if not solr_zk_external_cluster %}
-export SOLR_MODE={{ solr_mode }}
-{% endif %}
-# Anything you add to the SOLR_OPTS variable will be included in the java
-# start command line as-is, in ADDITION to other options. If you specify the
-# -a option on start script, those options will be appended as well. Examples:
-#SOLR_OPTS="$SOLR_OPTS -Dsolr.autoSoftCommit.maxTime=3000"
-#SOLR_OPTS="$SOLR_OPTS -Dsolr.autoCommit.maxTime=60000"
-#SOLR_OPTS="$SOLR_OPTS -Dsolr.clustering.enabled=true"
-# Location where the bin/solr script will save PID files for running instances
-# If not set, the script will create PID files in $SOLR_TIP/bin
-SOLR_PID_DIR={{ solr_pid_dir }}
-# Path to a directory for Solr to store cores and their data. By default, Solr will use server/solr
-# If solr.xml is not stored in ZooKeeper, this directory needs to contain solr.xml
-SOLR_HOME={{ solr_data_dir }}
-{% if solr_custom_log4j %}
-# Solr provides a default Log4J configuration properties file in server/resources
-# however, you may want to customize the log settings and file appender location
-# so you can point the script to use a different log4j.properties file
-LOG4J_PROPS={{ solr_conf_dir }}/log4j.properties
-{% endif %}
-# Changes the logging level. Valid values: ALL, TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL, OFF. Default is INFO
-# This is an alternative to changing the rootLogger in log4j.properties
-SOLR_LOG_LEVEL={{ solr_log_level }}
-# Location where Solr should write logs to; should agree with the file appender
-# settings in server/resources/log4j.properties
-SOLR_LOGS_DIR={{ solr_log_dir }}
-# Enables log rotation, cleanup, and archiving during start. Setting SOLR_LOG_PRESTART_ROTATION=false will skip start
-# time rotation of logs, and the archiving of the last GC and console log files. It does not affect Log4j configuration.
-# This pre-startup rotation may need to be disabled depending how much you customize the default logging setup.
-SOLR_LOG_PRESTART_ROTATION={{ solr_rotate_logs_on_start }}
-# Sets the port Solr binds to, default is 8983
-SOLR_PORT={{ solr_http_port }}
-# Uncomment to set SSL-related system properties
-# Be sure to update the paths to the correct keystore for your environment
-# Uncomment if you want to override previously defined SSL values for HTTP client
-# otherwise keep them commented and the above values will automatically be set for HTTP clients
-# Settings for authentication
-# Please configure only one of SOLR_AUTHENTICATION_CLIENT_CONFIGURER or SOLR_AUTH_TYPE parameters
-# Settings for ZK ACL
-#SOLR_ZK_CREDS_AND_ACLS="-DzkACLProvider=org.apache.solr.common.cloud.VMParamsAllAndReadonlyDigestZkACLProvider \
-#  -DzkCredentialsProvider=org.apache.solr.common.cloud.VMParamsSingleSetCredentialsDigestZkCredentialsProvider \
-#  -DzkDigestUsername=admin-user -DzkDigestPassword=CHANGEME-ADMIN-PASSWORD \
-#  -DzkDigestReadonlyUsername=readonly-user -DzkDigestReadonlyPassword=CHANGEME-READONLY-PASSWORD"
diff --git a/library/roles/solr/templates/solr-exporter-config.xml b/library/roles/solr/templates/solr-exporter-config.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 3840092..0000000
--- a/library/roles/solr/templates/solr-exporter-config.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2089 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-  <rules>
-    <ping>
-      <lst name="request">
-        <lst name="query">
-          <str name="path">/admin/ping</str>
-        </lst>
-        <arr name="jsonQueries">
-          <str>
-            . as $object | $object |
-            (if $object.status == "OK" then 1.0 else 0.0 end) as $value |
-            {
-              name         : "solr_ping",
-              type         : "GAUGE",
-              help         : "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/ping.html",
-              label_names  : [],
-              label_values : [],
-              value        : $value
-            }
-          </str>
-        </arr>
-      </lst>
-    </ping>
-    <metrics>
-      <lst name="request">
-        <lst name="query">
-          <str name="path">/admin/metrics</str>
-          <lst name="params">
-            <str name="group">all</str>
-            <str name="type">all</str>
-            <str name="prefix"></str>
-            <str name="property"></str>
-          </lst>
-        </lst>
-        <arr name="jsonQueries">
-          <!--
-            jetty metrics
-          -->
-          <str>
-            .metrics["solr.jetty"] | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.DefaultHandler")) | select(.key | endswith("xx-responses")) as $object |
-            $object.key | split(".") | last | split("-") | first as $status |
-            $object.value.count as $value |
-            {
-            name         : "solr_metrics_jetty_response_total",
-            type         : "COUNTER",
-            help         : "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-            label_names  : ["status"],
-            label_values : [$status],
-            value        : $value
-            }
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .metrics["solr.jetty"] | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.DefaultHandler.")) | select(.key | endswith("-requests")) | select (.value | type == "object") as $object |
-            $object.key | split(".") | last | split("-") | first as $method |
-            $object.value.count as $value |
-            {
-              name         : "solr_metrics_jetty_requests_total",
-              type         : "COUNTER",
-              help         : "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names  : ["method"],
-              label_values : [$method],
-              value        : $value
-            }
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .metrics["solr.jetty"] | to_entries | .[] | select(.key == "org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.DefaultHandler.dispatches") as $object |
-            $object.value.count as $value |
-            {
-              name         : "solr_metrics_jetty_dispatches_total",
-              type         : "COUNTER",
-              help         : "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names  : [],
-              label_values : [],
-              value        : $value
-            }
-          </str>
-          <!--
-            jvm metrics
-          -->
-          <str>
-            .metrics["solr.jvm"] | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("buffers.")) | select(.key | endswith(".Count")) as $object |
-            $object.key | split(".")[1] as $pool |
-            $object.value as $value |
-            {
-              name         : "solr_metrics_jvm_buffers",
-              type         : "GAUGE",
-              help         : "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names  : ["pool"],
-              label_values : [$pool],
-              value        : $value
-            }
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .metrics["solr.jvm"] | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("buffers.")) | select(.key | (endswith(".MemoryUsed") or endswith(".TotalCapacity"))) as $object |
-            $object.key | split(".")[1] as $pool |
-            $object.key | split(".") | last as $item |
-            $object.value as $value |
-            {
-              name         : "solr_metrics_jvm_buffers_bytes",
-              type         : "GAUGE",
-              help         : "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names  : ["pool", "item"],
-              label_values : [$pool, $item],
-              value        : $value
-            }
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .metrics["solr.jvm"] | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("gc.")) | select(.key | endswith(".count")) as $object |
-            $object.key | split(".")[1] as $item |
-            $object.value as $value |
-            {
-              name         : "solr_metrics_jvm_gc_total",
-              type         : "COUNTER",
-              help         : "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names  : ["item"],
-              label_values : [$item],
-              value        : $value
-            }
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .metrics["solr.jvm"] | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("gc.")) | select(.key | endswith(".time")) as $object |
-            $object.key | split(".")[1] as $item |
-            ($object.value / 1000) as $value |
-            {
-              name         : "solr_metrics_jvm_gc_seconds_total",
-              type         : "COUNTER",
-              help         : "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names  : ["item"],
-              label_values : [$item],
-              value        : $value
-            }
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .metrics["solr.jvm"] | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("memory.heap.")) | select(.key | endswith(".usage") | not) as $object |
-            $object.key | split(".") | last as $item |
-            $object.value as $value |
-            {
-              name         : "solr_metrics_jvm_memory_heap_bytes",
-              type         : "GAUGE",
-              help         : "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names  : ["item"],
-              label_values : [$item],
-              value        : $value
-            }
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .metrics["solr.jvm"] | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("memory.non-heap.")) | select(.key | endswith(".usage") | not) as $object |
-            $object.key | split(".") | last as $item |
-            $object.value as $value |
-            {
-              name         : "solr_metrics_jvm_memory_non_heap_bytes",
-              type         : "GAUGE",
-              help         : "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names  : ["item"],
-              label_values : [$item],
-              value        : $value
-            }
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .metrics["solr.jvm"] | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("memory.pools.")) | select(.key | endswith(".usage") | not) as $object |
-            $object.key | split(".")[2] as $space |
-            $object.key | split(".") | last as $item |
-            $object.value as $value |
-            {
-              name         : "solr_metrics_jvm_memory_pools_bytes",
-              type         : "GAUGE",
-              help         : "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names  : ["space", "item"],
-              label_values : [$space, $item],
-              value        : $value
-            }
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .metrics["solr.jvm"] | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("memory.total.")) as $object |
-            $object.key | split(".") | last as $item |
-            $object.value as $value |
-            {
-              name         : "solr_metrics_jvm_memory_bytes",
-              type         : "GAUGE",
-              help         : "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names  : ["item"],
-              label_values : [$item],
-              value        : $value
-            }
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .metrics["solr.jvm"] | to_entries | .[] | select(.key == "os.committedVirtualMemorySize" or .key == "os.freePhysicalMemorySize" or .key == "os.freeSwapSpaceSize" or .key =="os.totalPhysicalMemorySize" or .key == "os.totalSwapSpaceSize") as $object |
-            $object.key | split(".") | last as $item |
-            $object.value as $value |
-            {
-              name         : "solr_metrics_jvm_os_memory_bytes",
-              type         : "GAUGE",
-              help         : "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names  : ["item"],
-              label_values : [$item],
-              value        : $value
-            }
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .metrics["solr.jvm"] | to_entries | .[] | select(.key == "os.maxFileDescriptorCount" or .key == "os.openFileDescriptorCount") as $object |
-            $object.key | split(".") | last as $item |
-            $object.value as $value |
-            {
-              name         : "solr_metrics_jvm_os_file_descriptors",
-              type         : "GAUGE",
-              help         : "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names  : ["item"],
-              label_values : [$item],
-              value        : $value
-            }
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .metrics["solr.jvm"] | to_entries | .[] | select(.key == "os.processCpuLoad" or .key == "os.systemCpuLoad") as $object |
-            $object.key | split(".") | last as $item |
-            $object.value as $value |
-            {
-              name         : "solr_metrics_jvm_os_cpu_load",
-              type         : "GAUGE",
-              help         : "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names  : ["item"],
-              label_values : [$item],
-              value        : $value
-            }
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .metrics["solr.jvm"] | to_entries | .[] | select(.key == "os.processCpuTime") as $object |
-            ($object.value / 1000.0) as $value |
-            {
-              name         : "solr_metrics_jvm_os_cpu_time_seconds",
-              type         : "COUNTER",
-              help         : "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names  : ["item"],
-              label_values : ["processCpuTime"],
-              value        : $value
-            }
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .metrics["solr.jvm"] | to_entries | .[] | select(.key == "os.systemLoadAverage") as $object |
-            $object.value as $value |
-            {
-              name         : "solr_metrics_jvm_os_load_average",
-              type         : "GAUGE",
-              help         : "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names  : ["item"],
-              label_values : ["systemLoadAverage"],
-              value        : $value
-            }
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .metrics["solr.jvm"] | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("threads.")) | select(.key | endswith(".count")) as $object |
-            $object.key | split(".")[1] as $item |
-            $object.value as $value |
-            {
-              name         : "solr_metrics_jvm_threads",
-              type         : "GAUGE",
-              help         : "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names  : ["item"],
-              label_values : [$item],
-              value        : $value
-            }
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .metrics["solr.node"] | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | endswith(".clientErrors")) as $object |
-            $object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
-            $object.key | split(".")[1] as $handler |
-            $object.value.count as $value |
-            {
-              name         : "solr_metrics_node_client_errors_total",
-              type         : "COUNTER",
-              help         : "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names  : ["category", "handler"],
-              label_values : [$category, $handler],
-              value        : $value
-            }
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .metrics["solr.node"] | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | endswith(".clientErrors")) as $object |
-            $object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
-            $object.key | split(".")[1] as $handler |
-            $object.value.count as $value |
-            {
-              name         : "solr_metrics_node_errors_total",
-              type         : "COUNTER",
-              help         : "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names  : ["category", "handler"],
-              label_values : [$category, $handler],
-              value        : $value
-            }
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .metrics["solr.node"] | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | endswith(".requestTimes")) as $object |
-            $object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
-            $object.key | split(".")[1] as $handler |
-            $object.value.count as $value |
-            {
-              name         : "solr_metrics_node_requests_total",
-              type         : "COUNTER",
-              help         : "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names  : ["category", "handler"],
-              label_values : [$category, $handler],
-              value        : $value
-            }
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .metrics["solr.node"] | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | endswith(".serverErrors")) as $object |
-            $object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
-            $object.key | split(".")[1] as $handler |
-            $object.value.count as $value |
-            {
-              name         : "solr_metrics_node_server_errors_total",
-              type         : "COUNTER",
-              help         : "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names  : ["category", "handler"],
-              label_values : [$category, $handler],
-              value        : $value
-            }
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .metrics["solr.node"] | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | endswith(".timeouts")) as $object |
-            $object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
-            $object.key | split(".")[1] as $handler |
-            $object.value.count as $value |
-            {
-              name         : "solr_metrics_node_timeouts_total",
-              type         : "COUNTER",
-              help         : "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names  : ["category", "handler"],
-              label_values : [$category, $handler],
-              value        : $value
-            }
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .metrics["solr.node"] | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | endswith(".totalTime")) as $object |
-            $object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
-            $object.key | split(".")[1] as $handler |
-            ($object.value / 1000) as $value |
-            {
-              name         : "solr_metrics_node_time_seconds_total",
-              type         : "COUNTER",
-              help         : "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names  : ["category", "handler"],
-              label_values : [$category, $handler],
-              value        : $value
-            }
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .metrics["solr.node"] | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("CONTAINER.cores.")) as $object |
-            $object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
-            $object.key | split(".")[2] as $item |
-            $object.value as $value |
-            {
-              name         : "solr_metrics_node_cores",
-              type         : "GAUGE",
-              help         : "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names  : ["category", "item"],
-              label_values : [$category, $item],
-              value        : $value
-            }
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .metrics["solr.node"] | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("CONTAINER.fs.coreRoot.")) | select(.key | endswith(".totalSpace") or endswith(".usableSpace")) as $object |
-            $object.key | split(".") as $key_items |
-            $key_items | length as $label_len |
-            $key_items[0] as $category |
-            $key_items[3] as $item |
-            $object.value as $value |
-            {
-              name         : "solr_metrics_node_core_root_fs_bytes",
-              type         : "GAUGE",
-              help         : "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names  : ["category", "item"],
-              label_values : [$category, $item],
-              value        : $value
-            }
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .metrics["solr.node"] | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | contains(".threadPool.")) | select(.key | endswith(".completed")) as $object |
-            $object.key | split(".") as $key_items |
-            $key_items | length as $label_len |
-            $key_items[0] as $category |
-            (if $label_len >= 5 then $key_items[1] else "" end) as $handler |
-            (if $label_len >= 5 then $key_items[3] else $key_items[2] end) as $executor |
-            $object.value.count as $value |
-            {
-              name         : "solr_metrics_node_thread_pool_completed_total",
-              type         : "COUNTER",
-              help         : "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names  : ["category", "handler", "executor"],
-              label_values : [$category, $handler, $executor],
-              value        : $value
-            }
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .metrics["solr.node"] | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | contains(".threadPool.")) | select(.key | endswith(".running")) as $object |
-            $object.key | split(".") as $key_items |
-            $key_items | length as $label_len |
-            $key_items[0] as $category |
-            (if $label_len >= 5 then $key_items[1] else "" end) as $handler |
-            (if $label_len >= 5 then $key_items[3] else $key_items[2] end) as $executor |
-            $object.value as $value |
-            {
-              name         : "solr_metrics_node_thread_pool_running",
-              type         : "GAUGE",
-              help         : "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names  : ["category", "handler", "executor"],
-              label_values : [$category, $handler, $executor],
-              value        : $value
-            }
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .metrics["solr.node"] | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | contains(".threadPool.")) | select(.key | endswith(".submitted")) as $object |
-            $object.key | split(".") as $key_items |
-            $key_items | length as $label_len |
-            $key_items[0] as $category |
-            (if $label_len >= 5 then $key_items[1] else "" end) as $handler |
-            (if $label_len >= 5 then $key_items[3] else $key_items[2] end) as $executor |
-            $object.value.count as $value |
-            {
-              name         : "solr_metrics_node_thread_pool_submitted_total",
-              type         : "COUNTER",
-              help         : "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names  : ["category", "handler", "executor"],
-              label_values : [$category, $handler, $executor],
-              value        : $value
-            }
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .metrics["solr.node"] | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | endswith("Connections")) as $object |
-            $object.key | split(".") as $key_items |
-            $key_items | length as $label_len |
-            $key_items[0] as $category |
-            $key_items[1] as $handler |
-            $key_items[2] as $item |
-            $object.value as $value |
-            {
-              name         : "solr_metrics_node_connections",
-              type         : "GAUGE",
-              help         : "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names  : ["category", "handler", "item"],
-              label_values : [$category, $handler, $item],
-              value        : $value
-            }
-          </str>
-          <!--
-            core metrics
-          -->
-          <str>
-            .metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
-            $parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
-            $parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
-            $parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | endswith(".clientErrors")) as $object |
-            $object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
-            $object.key | split(".")[1] as $handler |
-            select($handler | startswith("/")) |
-            $object.value.count as $value |
-            if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_client_errors_total",
-              type: "COUNTER",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["category", "handler", "core"],
-              label_values: [$category, $handler, $core],
-              value: $value
-            }
-            else
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_client_errors_total",
-              type: "COUNTER",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["category", "handler", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
-              label_values: [$category, $handler, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
-              value: $value
-            }
-            end
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
-            $parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
-            $parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
-            $parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | endswith(".errors")) | select (.value | type == "object") as $object |
-            $object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
-            $object.key | split(".")[1] as $handler |
-            select($handler | startswith("/")) |
-            $object.value.count as $value |
-            if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_errors_total",
-              type: "COUNTER",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["category", "handler", "core"],
-              label_values: [$category, $handler, $core],
-              value: $value
-            }
-            else
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_errors_total",
-              type: "COUNTER",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["category", "handler", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
-              label_values: [$category, $handler, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
-              value: $value
-            }
-            end
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
-            $parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
-            $parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
-            $parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | endswith(".requestTimes")) | select (.value | type == "object") as $object |
-            $object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
-            $object.key | split(".")[1] as $handler |
-            select($handler | startswith("/")) |
-            $object.value.count as $value |
-            if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_requests_total",
-              type: "COUNTER",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["category", "handler", "core"],
-              label_values: [$category, $handler, $core],
-              value: $value
-            }
-            else
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_requests_total",
-              type: "COUNTER",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["category", "handler", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
-              label_values: [$category, $handler, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
-              value: $value
-            }
-            end
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
-            $parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
-            $parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
-            $parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | endswith(".serverErrors")) | select (.value | type == "object") as $object |
-            $object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
-            $object.key | split(".")[1] as $handler |
-            select($handler | startswith("/")) |
-            $object.value.count as $value |
-            if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_server_errors_total",
-              type: "COUNTER",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["category", "handler", "core"],
-              label_values: [$category, $handler, $core],
-              value: $value
-            }
-            else
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_server_errors_total",
-              type: "COUNTER",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["category", "handler", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
-              label_values: [$category, $handler, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
-              value: $value
-            }
-            end
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
-            $parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
-            $parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
-            $parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | endswith(".timeouts")) | select (.value | type == "object") as $object |
-            $object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
-            $object.key | split(".")[1] as $handler |
-            select($handler | startswith("/")) |
-            $object.value.count as $value |
-            if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_timeouts_total",
-              type: "COUNTER",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["category", "handler", "core"],
-              label_values: [$category, $handler, $core],
-              value: $value
-            }
-            else
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_timeouts_total",
-              type: "COUNTER",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["category", "handler", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
-              label_values: [$category, $handler, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
-              value: $value
-            }
-            end
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
-            $parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
-            $parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
-            $parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | endswith(".totalTime")) as $object |
-            $object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
-            $object.key | split(".")[1] as $handler |
-            select($handler | startswith("/")) |
-            ($object.value / 1000) as $value |
-            if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_time_seconds_total",
-              type: "COUNTER",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["category", "handler", "core"],
-              label_values: [$category, $handler, $core],
-              value: $value
-            }
-            else
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_time_seconds_total",
-              type: "COUNTER",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["category", "handler", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
-              label_values: [$category, $handler, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
-              value: $value
-            }
-            end
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .metrics | to_entries | .[] | select (.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
-            $parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
-            $parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
-            $parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key == "CACHE.core.fieldCache") as $object |
-            $object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
-            $object.value.entries_count as $value |
-            if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_field_cache_total",
-              type: "COUNTER",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["category", "core"],
-              label_values: [$category, $core],
-              value: $value
-            }
-            else
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_field_cache_total",
-              type: "COUNTER",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["category", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
-              label_values: [$category, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
-              value: $value
-            }
-            end
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
-            $parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
-            $parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
-            $parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("CACHE.searcher.")) | select (.key | endswith("documentCache") or endswith("fieldValueCache") or endswith("filterCache") or endswith("perSegFilter") or endswith("queryResultCache")) as $object |
-            $object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
-            $object.key | split(".")[2] as $type |
-            $object.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key == "lookups" or .key == "hits" or .key == "size" or .key == "evictions" or .key == "inserts") as $target |
-            $target.key as $item |
-            $target.value as $value |
-            if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_searcher_cache",
-              type: "GAUGE",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["category", "core", "type", "item"],
-              label_values: [$category, $core, $type, $item],
-              value: $value
-            }
-            else
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_searcher_cache",
-              type: "GAUGE",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["category", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica", "type", "item"],
-              label_values: [$category, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica, $type, $item],
-              value: $value
-            }
-            end
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
-            $parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
-            $parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
-            $parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("CACHE.searcher.")) | select (.key | endswith("documentCache") or endswith("fieldValueCache") or endswith("filterCache") or endswith("perSegFilter") or endswith("queryResultCache")) as $object |
-            $object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
-            $object.key | split(".")[2] as $type |
-            $object.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key == "hitratio") as $target |
-            $target.key as $item |
-            $target.value as $value |
-            if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_searcher_cache_ratio",
-              type: "GAUGE",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["category", "core", "type", "item"],
-              label_values: [$category, $core, $type, $item],
-              value: $value
-            }
-            else
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_searcher_cache_ratio",
-              type: "GAUGE",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["category", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica", "type", "item"],
-              label_values: [$category, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica, $type, $item],
-              value: $value
-            }
-            end
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
-            $parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
-            $parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
-            $parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("CACHE.searcher.")) | select (.key | endswith("documentCache") or endswith("fieldValueCache") or endswith("filterCache") or endswith("perSegFilter") or endswith("queryResultCache")) as $object |
-            $object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
-            $object.key | split(".")[2] as $type |
-            $object.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key == "warmupTime") as $target |
-            $target.key as $item |
-            ($target.value / 1000) as $value |
-            if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_searcher_warmup_time_seconds",
-              type: "GAUGE",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["category", "core", "type", "item"],
-              label_values: [$category, $core, $type, $item],
-              value: $value
-            }
-            else
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_searcher_warmup_time_seconds",
-              type: "GAUGE",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["category", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica", "type", "item"],
-              label_values: [$category, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica, $type, $item],
-              value: $value
-            }
-            end
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
-            $parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
-            $parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
-            $parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("CACHE.searcher.")) | select (.key | endswith("documentCache") or endswith("fieldValueCache") or endswith("filterCache") or endswith("perSegFilter") or endswith("queryResultCache")) as $object |
-            $object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
-            $object.key | split(".")[2] as $type |
-            $object.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key == "cumulative_lookups" or .key == "cumulative_hits" or .key == "cumulative_evictions" or .key == "cumulative_inserts") as $target |
-            $target.key as $item |
-            $target.value as $value |
-            if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_searcher_cumulative_cache_total",
-              type: "COUNTER",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["category", "core", "type", "item"],
-              label_values: [$category, $core, $type, $item],
-              value: $value
-            }
-            else
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_searcher_cumulative_cache_total",
-              type: "COUNTER",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["category", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica", "type", "item"],
-              label_values: [$category, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica, $type, $item],
-              value: $value
-            }
-            end
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
-            $parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
-            $parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
-            $parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("CACHE.searcher.")) | select (.key | endswith("documentCache") or endswith("fieldValueCache") or endswith("filterCache") or endswith("perSegFilter") or endswith("queryResultCache")) as $object |
-            $object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
-            $object.key | split(".")[2] as $type |
-            $object.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key == "cumulative_hitratio") as $target |
-            $target.key as $item |
-            $target.value as $value |
-            if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_searcher_cumulative_cache_ratio",
-              type: "GAUGE",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["category", "core", "type", "item"],
-              label_values: [$category, $core, $type, $item],
-              value: $value
-            }
-            else
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_searcher_cumulative_cache_ratio",
-              type: "GAUGE",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["category", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica", "type", "item"],
-              label_values: [$category, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica, $type, $item],
-              value: $value
-            }
-            end
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
-            $parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
-            $parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
-            $parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("CORE.fs.")) | select (.key | endswith(".totalSpace") or endswith(".usableSpace")) as $object |
-            $object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
-            $object.key | split(".")[2] as $item |
-            $object.value as $value |
-            if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_fs_bytes",
-              type: "GAUGE",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["category", "core", "item"],
-              label_values: [$category, $core, $item],
-              value: $value
-            }
-            else
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_fs_bytes",
-              type: "GAUGE",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["category", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica", "item"],
-              label_values: [$category, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica, $item],
-              value: $value
-            }
-            end
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
-            $parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
-            $parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
-            $parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("HIGHLIGHTER.")) | select (.key | endswith(".requests")) as $object |
-            $object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
-            $object.key | split(".")[1] as $name |
-            $object.key | split(".")[2] as $item |
-            $object.value as $value |
-            if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_highlighter_request_total",
-              type: "COUNTER",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["category", "core", "name", "item"],
-              label_values: [$category, $core, $name, $item],
-              value: $value
-            }
-            else
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_highlighter_request_total",
-              type: "COUNTER",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["category", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica", "name", "item"],
-              label_values: [$category, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica, $name, $item],
-              value: $value
-            }
-            end
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
-            $parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
-            $parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
-            $parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key == "INDEX.sizeInBytes") as $object |
-            $object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
-            $object.value as $value |
-            if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_index_size_bytes",
-              type: "GAUGE",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["category", "core"],
-              label_values: [$category, $core],
-              value: $value
-            }
-            else
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_index_size_bytes",
-              type: "GAUGE",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["category", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
-              label_values: [$category, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
-              value: $value
-            }
-            end
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
-            $parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
-            $parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
-            $parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key == "REPLICATION./replication.isMaster") as $object |
-            $object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
-            $object.key | split(".")[1] as $handler |
-            (if $object.value == true then 1.0 else 0.0 end) as $value |
-            if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_replication_master",
-              type: "GAUGE",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["category", "handler", "core"],
-              label_values: [$category, $handler, $core],
-              value: $value
-            }
-            else
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_replication_master",
-              type: "GAUGE",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["category", "handler", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
-              label_values: [$category, $handler, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
-              value: $value
-            }
-            end
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
-            $parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
-            $parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
-            $parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key == "REPLICATION./replication.isSlave") as $object |
-            $object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
-            $object.key | split(".")[1] as $handler |
-            (if $object.value == true then 1.0 else 0.0 end) as $value |
-            if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_replication_slave",
-              type: "GAUGE",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["category", "handler", "core"],
-              label_values: [$category, $handler, $core],
-              value: $value
-            }
-            else
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_replication_slave",
-              type: "GAUGE",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["category", "handler", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
-              label_values: [$category, $handler, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
-              value: $value
-            }
-            end
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
-            $parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
-            $parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
-            $parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key == "SEARCHER.searcher.deletedDocs" or .key == "SEARCHER.searcher.maxDoc" or .key == "SEARCHER.searcher.numDocs") as $object |
-            $object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
-            $object.key | split(".")[2] as $item |
-            $object.value as $value |
-            if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_searcher_documents",
-              type: "GAUGE",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["category", "core", "item"],
-              label_values: [$category, $core, $item],
-              value: $value
-            }
-            else
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_searcher_documents",
-              type: "GAUGE",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["category", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica", "item"],
-              label_values: [$category, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica, $item],
-              value: $value
-            }
-            end
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
-            $parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
-            $parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
-            $parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key == "UPDATE.updateHandler.adds") as $object |
-            $object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
-            $object.key | split(".")[1] as $handler |
-            $object.value as $value |
-            if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_update_handler_adds",
-              type: "GAUGE",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["category", "handler", "core"],
-              label_values: [$category, $handler, $core],
-              value: $value
-            }
-            else
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_update_handler_adds",
-              type: "GAUGE",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["category", "handler", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
-              label_values: [$category, $handler, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
-              value: $value
-            }
-            end
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
-            $parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
-            $parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
-            $parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key == "UPDATE.updateHandler.autoCommits") as $object |
-            $object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
-            $object.key | split(".")[1] as $handler |
-            $object.value as $value |
-            if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_update_handler_auto_commits_total",
-              type: "COUNTER",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["category", "handler", "core"],
-              label_values: [$category, $handler, $core],
-              value: $value
-            }
-            else
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_update_handler_auto_commits_total",
-              type: "COUNTER",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["category", "handler", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
-              label_values: [$category, $handler, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
-              value: $value
-            }
-            end
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
-            $parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
-            $parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
-            $parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key == "UPDATE.updateHandler.commits") as $object |
-            $object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
-            $object.key | split(".")[1] as $handler |
-            $object.value.count as $value |
-            if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_update_handler_commits_total",
-              type: "COUNTER",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["category", "handler", "core"],
-              label_values: [$category, $handler, $core],
-              value: $value
-            }
-            else
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_update_handler_commits_total",
-              type: "COUNTER",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["category", "handler", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
-              label_values: [$category, $handler, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
-              value: $value
-            }
-            end
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
-            $parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
-            $parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
-            $parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key == "UPDATE.updateHandler.cumulativeAdds") as $object |
-            $object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
-            $object.key | split(".")[1] as $handler |
-            $object.value.count as $value |
-            if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_update_handler_adds_total",
-              type: "COUNTER",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["category", "handler", "core"],
-              label_values: [$category, $handler, $core],
-              value: $value
-            }
-            else
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_update_handler_adds_total",
-              type: "COUNTER",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["category", "handler", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
-              label_values: [$category, $handler, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
-              value: $value
-            }
-            end
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
-            $parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
-            $parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
-            $parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key == "UPDATE.updateHandler.cumulativeDeletesById") as $object |
-            $object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
-            $object.key | split(".")[1] as $handler |
-            $object.value.count as $value |
-            if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_update_handler_deletes_by_id_total",
-              type: "COUNTER",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["category", "handler", "core"],
-              label_values: [$category, $handler, $core],
-              value: $value
-            }
-            else
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_update_handler_deletes_by_id_total",
-              type: "COUNTER",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["category", "handler", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
-              label_values: [$category, $handler, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
-              value: $value
-            }
-            end
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
-            $parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
-            $parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
-            $parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key == "UPDATE.updateHandler.cumulativeDeletesByQuery") as $object |
-            $object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
-            $object.key | split(".")[1] as $handler |
-            $object.value.count as $value |
-            if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_update_handler_deletes_by_query_total",
-              type: "COUNTER",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["category", "handler", "core"],
-              label_values: [$category, $handler, $core],
-              value: $value
-            }
-            else
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_update_handler_deletes_by_query_total",
-              type: "COUNTER",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["category", "handler", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
-              label_values: [$category, $handler, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
-              value: $value
-            }
-            end
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
-            $parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
-            $parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
-            $parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key == "UPDATE.updateHandler.cumulativeErrors") as $object |
-            $object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
-            $object.key | split(".")[1] as $handler |
-            $object.value.count as $value |
-            if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_update_handler_errors_total",
-              type: "COUNTER",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["category", "handler", "core"],
-              label_values: [$category, $handler, $core],
-              value: $value
-            }
-            else
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_update_handler_errors_total",
-              type: "COUNTER",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["category", "handler", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
-              label_values: [$category, $handler, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
-              value: $value
-            }
-            end
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
-            $parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
-            $parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
-            $parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key == "UPDATE.updateHandler.deletesById") as $object |
-            $object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
-            $object.key | split(".")[1] as $handler |
-            $object.value as $value |
-            if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_update_handler_deletes_by_id",
-              type: "GAUGE",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["category", "handler", "core"],
-              label_values: [$category, $handler, $core],
-              value: $value
-            }
-            else
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_update_handler_deletes_by_id",
-              type: "GAUGE",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["category", "handler", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
-              label_values: [$category, $handler, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
-              value: $value
-            }
-            end
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
-            $parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
-            $parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
-            $parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key == "UPDATE.updateHandler.deletesByQuery") as $object |
-            $object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
-            $object.key | split(".")[1] as $handler |
-            $object.value as $value |
-            if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_update_handler_deletes_by_query",
-              type: "GAUGE",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["category", "handler", "core"],
-              label_values: [$category, $handler, $core],
-              value: $value
-            }
-            else
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_update_handler_deletes_by_query",
-              type: "GAUGE",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["category", "handler", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
-              label_values: [$category, $handler, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
-              value: $value
-            }
-            end
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
-            $parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
-            $parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
-            $parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key == "UPDATE.updateHandler.docsPending") as $object |
-            $object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
-            $object.key | split(".")[1] as $handler |
-            $object.value as $value |
-            if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_update_handler_pending_docs",
-              type: "GAUGE",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["category", "handler", "core"],
-              label_values: [$category, $handler, $core],
-              value: $value
-            }
-            else
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_update_handler_pending_docs",
-              type: "GAUGE",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["category", "handler", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
-              label_values: [$category, $handler, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
-              value: $value
-            }
-            end
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
-            $parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
-            $parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
-            $parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key == "UPDATE.updateHandler.errors") as $object |
-            $object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
-            $object.key | split(".")[1] as $handler |
-            $object.value as $value |
-            if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_update_handler_errors",
-              type: "GAUGE",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["category", "handler", "core"],
-              label_values: [$category, $handler, $core],
-              value: $value
-            }
-            else
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_update_handler_errors",
-              type: "GAUGE",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["category", "handler", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
-              label_values: [$category, $handler, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
-              value: $value
-            }
-            end
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
-            $parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
-            $parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
-            $parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key == "UPDATE.updateHandler.expungeDeletes") as $object |
-            $object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
-            $object.key | split(".")[1] as $handler |
-            $object.value.count as $value |
-            if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_update_handler_expunge_deletes_total",
-              type: "COUNTER",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["category", "handler", "core"],
-              label_values: [$category, $handler, $core],
-              value: $value
-            }
-            else
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_update_handler_expunge_deletes_total",
-              type: "COUNTER",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["category", "handler", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
-              label_values: [$category, $handler, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
-              value: $value
-            }
-            end
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
-            $parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
-            $parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
-            $parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key == "UPDATE.updateHandler.merges") as $object |
-            $object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
-            $object.key | split(".")[1] as $handler |
-            $object.value.count as $value |
-            if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_update_handler_merges_total",
-              type: "COUNTER",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["category", "handler", "core"],
-              label_values: [$category, $handler, $core],
-              value: $value
-            }
-            else
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_update_handler_merges_total",
-              type: "COUNTER",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["category", "handler", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
-              label_values: [$category, $handler, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
-              value: $value
-            }
-            end
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
-            $parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
-            $parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
-            $parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key == "UPDATE.updateHandler.optimizes") as $object |
-            $object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
-            $object.key | split(".")[1] as $handler |
-            $object.value.count as $value |
-            if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_update_handler_optimizes_total",
-              type: "COUNTER",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["category", "handler", "core"],
-              label_values: [$category, $handler, $core],
-              value: $value
-            }
-            else
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_update_handler_optimizes_total",
-              type: "COUNTER",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["category", "handler", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
-              label_values: [$category, $handler, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
-              value: $value
-            }
-            end
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
-            $parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
-            $parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
-            $parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key == "UPDATE.updateHandler.rollbacks") as $object |
-            $object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
-            $object.key | split(".")[1] as $handler |
-            $object.value.count as $value |
-            if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_update_handler_rollbacks_total",
-              type: "COUNTER",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["category", "handler", "core"],
-              label_values: [$category, $handler, $core],
-              value: $value
-            }
-            else
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_update_handler_rollbacks_total",
-              type: "COUNTER",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["category", "handler", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
-              label_values: [$category, $handler, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
-              value: $value
-            }
-            end
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
-            $parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
-            $parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
-            $parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key == "UPDATE.updateHandler.softAutoCommits") as $object |
-            $object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
-            $object.key | split(".")[1] as $handler |
-            $object.value as $value |
-            if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_update_handler_soft_auto_commits_total",
-              type: "COUNTER",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["category", "handler", "core"],
-              label_values: [$category, $handler, $core],
-              value: $value
-            }
-            else
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_update_handler_soft_auto_commits_total",
-              type: "COUNTER",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["category", "handler", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
-              label_values: [$category, $handler, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
-              value: $value
-            }
-            end
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
-            $parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
-            $parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
-            $parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key == "UPDATE.updateHandler.splits") as $object |
-            $object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
-            $object.key | split(".")[1] as $handler |
-            $object.value.count as $value |
-            if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_update_handler_splits_total",
-              type: "COUNTER",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["category", "handler", "core"],
-              label_values: [$category, $handler, $core],
-              value: $value
-            }
-            else
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_update_handler_splits_total",
-              type: "COUNTER",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["category", "handler", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
-              label_values: [$category, $handler, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
-              value: $value
-            }
-            end
-          </str>
-          <!-- Custom metrics -->
-          <str>
-            .metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
-            $parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
-            $parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
-            $parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | endswith("select.requestTimes")) as $object |
-            ($object.value.count) as $value |
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_query_count",
-              type: "COUNTER",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
-              label_values: [$core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
-              value: $value
-            }
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
-            $parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
-            $parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
-            $parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | endswith("select.requestTimes")) as $object |
-            ($object.value.meanRate) as $value |
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_query_meanrate",
-              type: "GAUGE",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
-              label_values: [$core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
-              value: $value
-            }
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
-            $parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
-            $parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
-            $parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | endswith("select.requestTimes")) as $object |
-            ($object.value."1minRate") as $value |
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_query_1minrate",
-              type: "GAUGE",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
-              label_values: [$core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
-              value: $value
-            }
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
-            $parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
-            $parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
-            $parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | endswith("select.requestTimes")) as $object |
-            ($object.value."5minRate") as $value |
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_query_5minrate",
-              type: "GAUGE",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
-              label_values: [$core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
-              value: $value
-            }
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
-            $parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
-            $parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
-            $parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | endswith("select.requestTimes")) as $object |
-            ($object.value."15minRate") as $value |
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_query_15minrate",
-              type: "GAUGE",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
-              label_values: [$core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
-              value: $value
-            }
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
-            $parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
-            $parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
-            $parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | endswith("select.requestTimes")) as $object |
-            ($object.value.min_ms) as $value |
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_query_min_ms",
-              type: "GAUGE",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
-              label_values: [$core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
-              value: $value
-            }
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
-            $parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
-            $parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
-            $parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | endswith("select.requestTimes")) as $object |
-            ($object.value.max_ms) as $value |
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_query_max_ms",
-              type: "GAUGE",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
-              label_values: [$core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
-              value: $value
-            }
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
-            $parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
-            $parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
-            $parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | endswith("select.requestTimes")) as $object |
-            ($object.value.mean_ms) as $value |
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_query_mean_ms",
-              type: "GAUGE",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
-              label_values: [$core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
-              value: $value
-            }
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
-            $parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
-            $parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
-            $parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | endswith("select.requestTimes")) as $object |
-            ($object.value.median_ms) as $value |
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_query_median_ms",
-              type: "GAUGE",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
-              label_values: [$core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
-              value: $value
-            }
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
-            $parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
-            $parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
-            $parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | endswith("select.requestTimes")) as $object |
-            ($object.value.stddev_ms) as $value |
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_query_stddev_ms",
-              type: "GAUGE",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
-              label_values: [$core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
-              value: $value
-            }
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
-            $parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
-            $parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
-            $parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | endswith("select.requestTimes")) as $object |
-            ($object.value.p75_ms) as $value |
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_query_p75_ms",
-              type: "GAUGE",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
-              label_values: [$core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
-              value: $value
-            }
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
-            $parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
-            $parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
-            $parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | endswith("select.requestTimes")) as $object |
-            ($object.value.p95_ms) as $value |
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_query_p95_ms",
-              type: "GAUGE",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
-              label_values: [$core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
-              value: $value
-            }
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
-            $parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
-            $parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
-            $parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | endswith("select.requestTimes")) as $object |
-            ($object.value.p99_ms) as $value |
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_query_p99_ms",
-              type: "GAUGE",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
-              label_values: [$core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
-              value: $value
-            }
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
-            $parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
-            $parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
-            (if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
-            $parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | endswith("select.requestTimes")) as $object |
-            ($object.value.p999_ms) as $value |
-            {
-              name: "solr_metrics_core_query_p999_ms",
-              type: "GAUGE",
-              help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
-              label_names: ["core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
-              label_values: [$core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
-              value: $value
-            }
-          </str>          
-          <!-- end of custom metrics -->
-        </arr>
-      </lst>
-    </metrics>
-    <collections>
-      <lst name="request">
-        <lst name="query">
-          <str name="path">/admin/collections</str>
-          <lst name="params">
-            <str name="action">CLUSTERSTATUS</str>
-          </lst>
-        </lst>
-        <arr name="jsonQueries">
-          <str>
-            .cluster.live_nodes | length as $value|
-            {
-              name         : "solr_collections_live_nodes",
-              type         : "GAUGE",
-              help         : "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/collections-api.html#clusterstatus",
-              label_names  : [],
-              label_values : [],
-              value        : $value
-            }
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .cluster.collections | to_entries | .[] | . as $object |
-            $object.key as $collection |
-            $object.value.pullReplicas | tonumber as $value |
-            {
-              name         : "solr_collections_pull_replicas",
-              type         : "GAUGE",
-              help         : "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/collections-api.html#clusterstatus",
-              label_names  : ["collection"],
-              label_values : [$collection],
-              value        : $value
-            }
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .cluster.collections | to_entries | .[] | . as $object |
-            $object.key as $collection |
-            $object.value.nrtReplicas | tonumber as $value |
-            {
-              name         : "solr_collections_nrt_replicas",
-              type         : "GAUGE",
-              help         : "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/collections-api.html#clusterstatus",
-              label_names  : ["collection"],
-              label_values : [$collection],
-              value        : $value
-            }
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .cluster.collections | to_entries | .[] | . as $object |
-            $object.key as $collection |
-            $object.value.tlogReplicas | tonumber as $value |
-            {
-              name         : "solr_collections_tlog_replicas",
-              type         : "GAUGE",
-              help         : "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/collections-api.html#clusterstatus",
-              label_names  : ["collection"],
-              label_values : [$collection],
-              value        : $value
-            }
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .cluster.collections | to_entries | .[] | . as $object |
-            $object.key as $collection |
-            $object.value.shards | to_entries | .[] | . as $shard_obj |
-            $shard_obj.key as $shard |
-            (if $shard_obj.value.state == "active" then 1.0 else 0.0 end) as $value |
-            {
-              name         : "solr_collections_shard_state",
-              type         : "GAUGE",
-              help         : "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/collections-api.html#clusterstatus",
-              label_names  : ["collection","shard"],
-              label_values : [$collection,$shard],
-              value        : $value
-            }
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .cluster.collections | to_entries | .[] | . as $object |
-            $object.key as $collection |
-            $object.value.shards | to_entries | .[] | . as $shard_obj |
-            $shard_obj.key as $shard |
-            $shard_obj.value.replicas | to_entries | .[] | . as $replica_obj |
-            $replica_obj.key as $replica_name |
-            $replica_obj.value.core as $core |
-            $core[$collection + "_" + $shard + "_" | length:] as $replica |
-            $replica_obj.value.base_url as $base_url |
-            $replica_obj.value.node_name as $node_name |
-            $replica_obj.value.type as $type |
-            (if $replica_obj.value.state == "active" then 1.0 else 0.0 end) as $value |
-            {
-              name         : "solr_collections_replica_state",
-              type         : "GAUGE",
-              help         : "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/collections-api.html#clusterstatus",
-              label_names  : ["collection", "shard", "replica", "replica_name", "core", "base_url", "node_name", "type"],
-              label_values : [$collection, $shard, $replica, $replica_name, $core, $base_url, $node_name, $type],
-              value        : $value
-            }
-          </str>
-          <str>
-            .cluster.collections | to_entries | .[] | . as $object |
-            $object.key as $collection |
-            $object.value.shards | to_entries | .[] | . as $shard_obj |
-            $shard_obj.key as $shard |
-            $shard_obj.value.replicas | to_entries | .[] | . as $replica_obj |
-            $replica_obj.key as $replica_name |
-            $replica_obj.value.core as $core |
-            $core[$collection + "_" + $shard + "_" | length:] as $replica |
-            $replica_obj.value.base_url as $base_url |
-            $replica_obj.value.node_name as $node_name |
-            $replica_obj.value.type as $type |
-            (if $replica_obj.value.leader == "true" then 1.0 else 0.0 end) as $value |
-            {
-              name         : "solr_collections_shard_leader",
-              type         : "GAUGE",
-              help         : "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/collections-api.html#clusterstatus",
-              label_names  : ["collection", "shard", "replica", "replica_name", "core", "base_url", "node_name", "type"],
-              label_values : [$collection, $shard, $replica, $replica_name, $core, $base_url, $node_name, $type],
-              value        : $value
-            }
-          </str>
-        </arr>
-      </lst>
-    </collections>
-    <!--
-    <search>
-      <lst name="request">
-        <lst name="query">
-          <str name="collection">collection1</str>
-          <str name="path">/select</str>
-          <lst name="params">
-            <str name="q">*:*</str>
-            <str name="start">0</str>
-            <str name="rows">0</str>
-            <str name="json.facet">
-              {
-                category: {
-                  type: terms,
-                  field: cat
-                }
-              }
-            </str>
-          </lst>
-        </lst>
-        <arr name="jsonQueries">
-          <str>
-            .facets.category.buckets[] as $object |
-            $object.val as $term |
-            $object.count as $value |
-            {
-              name         : "solr_facets_category",
-              type         : "GAUGE",
-              help         : "Category facets",
-              label_names  : ["term"],
-              label_values : [$term],
-              value        : $value
-            }
-          </str>
-        </arr>
-      </lst>
-    </search>
-    -->
-  </rules>
diff --git a/library/roles/solr/templates/solr.xml.j2 b/library/roles/solr/templates/solr.xml.j2
deleted file mode 100644
index dbcb9e5..0000000
--- a/library/roles/solr/templates/solr.xml.j2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-   This is an example of a simple "solr.xml" file for configuring one or 
-   more Solr Cores, as well as allowing Cores to be added, removed, and 
-   reloaded via HTTP requests.
-   More information about options available in this configuration file, 
-   and Solr Core administration can be found online:
-   http://wiki.apache.org/solr/CoreAdmin
-  <solrcloud>
-    {% if not solr_multicore %}
-    <str name="host">{{ ansible_fqdn }}</str>
-    <int name="hostPort">{{ solr_http_port_1 }}</int>
-    <str name="hostContext">${hostContext:solr}</str>
-    <int name="zkClientTimeout">{{ solr_zk_timeout }}</int>
-    <bool name="genericCoreNodeNames">${genericCoreNodeNames:true}</bool>
-    {% if solr_zk_external_cluster %}
-    <str name="zkHost">{{ solr_zk_hosts }}</str>
-    {% endif %}
-    {% endif %}
-  </solrcloud>
-  <shardHandlerFactory name="shardHandlerFactory" class="HttpShardHandlerFactory">
-    <int name="socketTimeout">${socketTimeout:0}</int>
-    <int name="connTimeout">${connTimeout:0}</int>
-  </shardHandlerFactory>
-  {% if solr_multicore %}
-  <cores adminPath="/admin/cores">
-    {% for core in solr_cores %}
-    <core name="{{ core }}" instanceDir="{{ core }}">
-      <property name="dataDir" value="{{ solr_collections_base_dir }}/{{ core }}" />
-    </core>
-    {% endfor %}
-  </cores>
-  {% endif %}
diff --git a/library/roles/solr/templates/solr_prometheus_exporter.systemd.j2 b/library/roles/solr/templates/solr_prometheus_exporter.systemd.j2
deleted file mode 100644
index e587e10..0000000
--- a/library/roles/solr/templates/solr_prometheus_exporter.systemd.j2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-Description=solr_prometheus_exporter - Prometheus exporter for Solr metrics.
-User={{ solr_user }}
-Group={{ solr_group }}
-ExecStart={{ solr_prometheus_bindir }}/{{ solr_prometheus_command }} {{ solr_prometheus_command_params }}
diff --git a/library/roles/solr/templates/solr_prometheus_exporter.upstart.j2 b/library/roles/solr/templates/solr_prometheus_exporter.upstart.j2
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b0d056..0000000
--- a/library/roles/solr/templates/solr_prometheus_exporter.upstart.j2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-description "Solr exporter for Prometheus"
-start on (local-filesystems and net-device-up IFACE!=lo)
-stop on runlevel [016]
-respawn limit 10 5
-setuid {{ solr_user }}
-setgid {{ solr_group }}
-  exec {{ solr_prometheus_bindir }}/{{ solr_prometheus_command }} {{ solr_prometheus_command_params }}
-end script
diff --git a/library/roles/solr/templates/zoo.cfg.j2 b/library/roles/solr/templates/zoo.cfg.j2
deleted file mode 100644
index 321156f..0000000
--- a/library/roles/solr/templates/zoo.cfg.j2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-# The number of milliseconds of each tick
-# The number of ticks that the initial
-# synchronization phase can take
-# The number of ticks that can pass between
-# sending a request and getting an acknowledgement
-# the directory where the snapshot is stored.
-dataDir={{ solr_zookeeper_data_dir }}
-# NOTE: Solr defaults the dataDir to <solrHome>/zoo_data
-# the port at which the clients will connect
-clientPort={{ solr_zoo_port }}
-# NOTE: Solr sets this based on zkRun / zkHost params