diff --git a/smartgears/dataminer_app/tasks/dataminer-app.yml b/smartgears/dataminer_app/tasks/dataminer-app.yml index 88329be..91918f7 100644 --- a/smartgears/dataminer_app/tasks/dataminer-app.yml +++ b/smartgears/dataminer_app/tasks/dataminer-app.yml @@ -19,10 +19,12 @@ - name: Install the dataminer web.xml template: src=web.xml.j2 dest={{ smartgears_instance_path }}/webapps/{{ dataminer_wps_name }}/WEB-INF/web.xml notify: Restart smartgears + tags: [ 'tomcat', 'dataminer', 'wps', 'wps_webxml' ] - name: Install the old properties files copy: src={{ item }} dest={{ smartgears_instance_path }}/webapps/{{ dataminer_wps_name }}/ecocfg/{{ item }} force=yes with_items: '{{ dataminer_properties_files }}' + tags: [ 'tomcat', 'dataminer', 'wps', 'wps_properties' ] - name: Install the script that fixes the WPS configuration become_user: "{{ d4science_ansible_become_user | default('root') }}"