diff --git a/library/roles/shinyproxy/tasks/main.yml b/library/roles/shinyproxy/tasks/main.yml index 96bcefd..6f8ad26 100644 --- a/library/roles/shinyproxy/tasks/main.yml +++ b/library/roles/shinyproxy/tasks/main.yml @@ -67,38 +67,6 @@ - name: Create shinyproxy log directory file: dest={{ shinyproxy_log_dir }} state=directory owner=shinyproxy mode=0750 - - name: Check if the Docker certs directory exists - stat: path=/var/lib/docker/swarm/certificates - register: certs_dir - - - name: Create the PKI directory - file: dest={{ shinyproxy_docker_certs_dir }} state=directory owner=root group=shinyproxy mode=0750 - when: certs_dir.stat.isdir is defined and certs_dir.stat.isdir | bool - - - name: Copy the TLS files - copy: src=/var/lib/docker/swarm/certificates/{{ item.src }} dest={{ shinyproxy_docker_certs_dir }}/{{ item.dest }} remote_src=yes force=yes - with_items: - - { src: swarm-root-ca.crt, dest: ca.pem } - - { src: swarm-node.crt, dest: cert.pem } - - { src: swarm-node.key, dest: key.pem } - when: certs_dir.stat.isdir is defined and certs_dir.stat.isdir | bool - - - name: Fix the TLS key file permissions - file: dest={{ shinyproxy_docker_certs_dir }}/key.pem owner=shinyproxy group=shinyproxy mode=0640 - when: certs_dir.stat.isdir is defined and certs_dir.stat.isdir | bool - - - name: Install a script that syncs the docker certificates - template: src=sync_docker_certificates.sh.j2 dest=/usr/local/bin/sync_docker_certificates - when: certs_dir.stat.isdir is defined and certs_dir.stat.isdir | bool - - - name: Install a cron job that hourly updates the certificates used by shinyproxy to talk with docker - cron: name="Fix the docker certificates for shinyproxy" special_time=hourly job="/usr/local/bin/sync_docker_certificates > /var/log/shinyproxy/docker_certs.log 2>&1" - when: certs_dir.stat.isdir is defined and certs_dir.stat.isdir | bool - - - name: Remove the cron job that hourly updates the certificates if we have no local docker - cron: name="Fix the docker certificates for shinyproxy" special_time=hourly job="/usr/local/bin/sync_docker_certificates > /var/log/shinyproxy/docker_certs.log 2>&1" state=absent - when: certs_dir.stat.isdir is not defined or not certs_dir.stat.isdir | bool - - name: Pull the Docker images for the Shiny apps, when using Docker standalone docker_image: name={{ item.docker_image }} pull=yes state={{ item.image_state | default('present') }} force=yes with_items: '{{ shinyproxy_apps }}'