From b0aebf0e6feeae83de9153c915e0245a64cf41cf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrea Dell'Amico Date: Tue, 1 Mar 2016 17:05:04 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] library/roles/R/tasks/r-installation.yml: Fix a mistake from the previous modifications, make the tasks compliant with ansible 2.x --- R/tasks/r-installation.yml | 27 +++++++++++++-------------- 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-) diff --git a/R/tasks/r-installation.yml b/R/tasks/r-installation.yml index 1b7f3ab..60e1b68 100644 --- a/R/tasks/r-installation.yml +++ b/R/tasks/r-installation.yml @@ -9,26 +9,26 @@ - name: Remove the hold state from the debian R packages shell: apt-mark unhold {{ item }} - with_items: r_base_packages_hold_list + with_items: '{{ r_base_packages_hold_list }}' when: r_base_packages_hold_list is defined ignore_errors: True tags: [ 'r_software', 'r_pkg', 'r_pkg_hold' ] - name: Install the R base packages. apt: pkg={{ item }} state={{ r_packages_main_state }} force=yes update_cache=yes cache_valid_time=3600 - with_items: r_base_packages_list + with_items: '{{ r_base_packages_list }}' tags: [ 'r_software', 'r_pkg' ] - name: When we install specific R deb packages, put them on hold shell: apt-mark hold {{ item }} - with_items: r_base_packages_hold_list + with_items: '{{ r_base_packages_hold_list }}' when: r_base_specific_version ignore_errors: True tags: [ 'r_software', 'r_pkg', 'r_pkg_hold' ] - name: Install the R additional modules from the deb repo apt: pkg={{ item }} state={{ r_packages_state }} force=yes - with_items: r_plugins_packages_list + with_items: '{{ r_plugins_packages_list }}' when: r_plugins_from_deb tags: [ 'r_software', 'r_pkg' ] @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ - name: Install some packages needed by R packages when installed from source apt: pkg={{ item }} state={{ r_packages_state }} update_cache=yes force=yes - with_items: r_distribution_required_packages + with_items: '{{ r_distribution_required_packages }}' when: r_needs_additional_distro_pkgs tags: [ 'r_software', 'r_pkg' ] @@ -54,26 +54,25 @@ register: install_plugins_result failed_when: "install_plugins_result.rc != 0 or 'had non-zero exit status' in install_plugins_result.stderr" changed_when: "'Added' in install_plugins_result.stdout" - with_items: r_plugins_list_to_install + with_items: '{{ r_plugins_list_to_install }}' when: r_plugins_install_latest_source ignore_errors: True tags: [ 'r_software', 'r_pkg', 'r_plugins' ] - name: Get the R packages sources that need to be installed get_url: url={{ item.url }} dest={{ r_source_plugins_dest_dir }} - with_items: r_plugins_from_sources + with_items: '{{ r_plugins_from_sources }}' when: r_plugins_install_specific_source tags: [ 'r_software', 'r_pkg', 'r_plugins', 'r_plugins_version' ] -- name: Install R packages from the cran sources, specific versions +- name: Install R packages from the cran sources, specific versions. First try command: > Rscript --slave --no-save --no-restore-history -e "if (! ('{{ }}' %in% installed.packages()[,'Package'])) { install.packages('{{ r_source_plugins_dest_dir }}/{{ item.source }}', repos = NULL, type='source'); print('Added'); } else if (packageVersion('{{ }}') != '{{ item.version }}') { install.packages('{{ r_source_plugins_dest_dir }}/{{ item.source }}', repos = NULL, type='source'); print('Added'); } else { print('Already Installed'); }" register: install_s_plugins_result failed_when: "install_s_plugins_result.rc != 0 or 'had non-zero exit status' in install_s_plugins_result.stderr" changed_when: '"Added" in install_s_plugins_result.stdout' - with_items: r_plugins_from_sources + with_items: '{{ r_plugins_from_sources }}' when: r_plugins_install_specific_source - register: r_packages_specific_source ignore_errors: True tags: [ 'r_software', 'r_pkg', 'r_plugins', 'r_plugins_version' ] @@ -83,7 +82,7 @@ register: install_s_plugins_result failed_when: "install_s_plugins_result.rc != 0 or 'had non-zero exit status' in install_s_plugins_result.stderr" changed_when: '"Added" in install_s_plugins_result.stdout' - with_items: r_plugins_from_sources + with_items: '{{ r_plugins_from_sources }}' when: - r_plugins_install_specific_source - "install_s_plugins_result.rc != 0 or 'had non-zero exit status' in install_s_plugins_result.stderr" @@ -95,7 +94,7 @@ register: install_plugins_result failed_when: "install_plugins_result.rc != 0 or 'had non-zero exit status' in install_plugins_result.stderr" changed_when: "'Added' in install_plugins_result.stdout" - with_items: r_plugins_list_to_install + with_items: '{{ r_plugins_list_to_install }}' when: - r_plugins_install_latest_source - "install_plugins_result.rc != 0 or 'had non-zero exit status' in install_plugins_result.stderr" @@ -107,7 +106,7 @@ register: install_github_plugins_result failed_when: "install_github_plugins_result.rc != 0 or 'had non-zero exit status' in install_github_plugins_result.stderr" changed_when: "'Added' in install_github_plugins_result.stdout" - with_items: r_plugins_from_github + with_items: '{{ r_plugins_from_github }}' when: r_plugins_from_github is defined tags: [ 'r_software', 'r_pkg', 'r_plugins', 'r_plugins_github' ] @@ -117,6 +116,6 @@ register: remove_plugins_result failed_when: remove_plugins_result.rc != 0 changed_when: "'Removed' in remove_plugins_result.stdout" - with_items: r_plugins_list_to_remove + with_items: '{{ r_plugins_list_to_remove }}' when: r_plugins_list_to_remove is defined tags: [ 'r_software', 'r_pkg', 'r_plugins' ]