# This playbook updates hosts without guests. # # requires -e "target=somehostname" -e "yumcommand=update" - name: update the system hosts: "{{ target }}" gather_facts: false remote_user: root tasks: # - name: expire-caches # command: yum clean expire-cache # - name: yum -y {{ yumcommand }} # command: yum -y {{ yumcommand }} # async: 7200 # poll: 30 - name: Update all the packages yum: name=* state=latest update_cache=yes async: 7200 poll: 30 - name: run rkhunter if installed hosts: "{{ target }}" remote_user: root tasks: - name: check for rkhunter command: /usr/bin/test -f /usr/bin/rkhunter register: rkhunter ignore_errors: true - name: run rkhunter --propupd command: /usr/bin/rkhunter --propupd when: rkhunter|success