# change to 0 to allow Jetty to start
{% if jetty_activate_at_boot %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}

# change to 'no' or uncomment to use the default setting in /etc/default/rcS
VERBOSE={{ jetty_verbose }}

# Run Jetty as this user ID (default: jetty)
# Set this to an empty string to prevent Jetty from starting automatically
JETTY_USER={{ jetty_user }}

# Listen to connections from this network host
# Use as host to accept all connections.
# Uncomment to restrict access to localhost
JETTY_HOST={{ jetty_listen_ip }}

# The network port used by Jetty
JETTY_PORT={{ jetty_http_port }}

# Timeout in seconds for the shutdown of all webapps
JETTY_SHUTDOWN={{ jetty_shutdown_timeout }}

# Additional arguments to pass to Jetty

# Extra options to pass to the JVM
JAVA_OPTIONS="{{ jetty_java_opts }}"
{% if jetty_enable_jmx %}
JAVA_OPTIONS="$JAVA_OPTIONS {{ jetty_jmx_java_options }}"
{% endif %}

# Home of Java installation.
JAVA_HOME={{ jetty_java_home }}

# Jetty uses a directory to store temporary files like unpacked webapps
JETTY_TMP={{ jetty_tmp_dir }}
JVM_TMP={{ jetty_jvm_tmp_dir }}

# Jetty uses a config file to setup its boot classpath

# Default for number of days to keep old log files in /var/log/jetty/
LOGFILE_DAYS={{ jetty_logfile_days }}

{% if jetty_define_lang %}
export LANG={{ jetty_lang }}
{% endif %}