--- - block: - name: Create the orientdb user user: name={{ orientdb_user }} home={{ orientdb_base_dir }} createhome=yes shell=/bin/bash - name: Get the orientdb distribution get_url: url={{ orientdb_binary_distribution_url }} dest={{ orientdb_base_dir }}/{{ orientdb_tar_file }} validate_certs=no - name: Unpack the orientdb distribution unarchive: src={{ orientdb_base_dir }}/{{ orientdb_tar_file }} dest={{ orientdb_base_dir }} copy=no args: creates: '{{ orientdb_home_prefix }}/{{ orientdb_user }}/{{ orientdb_dir }}-{{ orientdb_version }}' - name: Link to the latest version become: True become_user: '{{ orientdb_user }}' file: src={{ orientdb_tar_filename }} dest={{ orientdb_install_dir }} state=link - name: Install the orientdb startup script template: src=orientdb.init.j2 dest=/etc/init.d/orientdb owner=root group=root mode=0755 tags: [ 'orientdb', 'orientdb_init' ] - name: Create a orientdb log directory out of the distribution directory file: dest={{ orientdb_log_dir }} state=directory owner={{ orientdb_user }} group={{ orientdb_user }} mode=0755 - name: Link the log directory inside the orientdb user home become: True become_user: '{{ orientdb_user }}' file: dest={{ orientdb_home_prefix }}/{{ orientdb_user }}/logs src={{ orientdb_log_dir }} state=link - name: Create the needed directory inside the orientdb user home become: True become_user: '{{ orientdb_user }}' file: dest={{ item }} state=directory mode=0750 with_items: - '{{ orientdb_data_dir }}' - '{{ orientdb_pid_dir }}' - '{{ orientdb_automatic_backup_directory }}' - name: Remove the old hook jars shell: rm -f {{ orientdb_install_dir }}/lib/{{ item }} with_items: '{{ orientdb_hooks_to_be_removed | default([]) }}' tags: [ 'orientdb', 'orientdb_hooks' ] - name: Fetch and install the hook jars get_url: url='{{ item }}' dest={{ orientdb_install_dir }}/lib with_items: '{{ orientdb_hooks_jars | default([]) }}' notify: Restart orientdb tags: [ 'orientdb', 'orientdb_hooks' ] - name: Install the orientdb default settings template: src=orientdb.default.j2 dest=/etc/default/orientdb owner=root group=root mode=0444 notify: Restart orientdb - name: Fix the pid file path inside the start and shutdown scripts lineinfile: dest={{ orientdb_install_dir }}/bin/{{ item }} regexp="^ORIENTDB_PID=.*$" line="ORIENTDB_PID={{ orientdb_pid_dir }}/orientdb.pid" insertafter="^PRG=.*$" firstmatch=yes with_items: - server.sh - shutdown.sh tags: [ 'orientdb', 'orientdb_pid' ] - name: Install the orientdb configuration files template: src={{ item }}.j2 dest={{ orientdb_install_dir }}/config/{{ item }} owner={{ orientdb_user }} group={{ orientdb_user }} mode=0640 with_items: '{{ orientdb_configuration_files }}' notify: Restart orientdb tags: [ 'orientdb', 'orientdb_config' ] - name: Install the nagios nrpe configuration template: src=orientdb-nrpe.cfg.j2 dest={{ nrpe_include_dir }}/orientdb-nrpe.cfg owner=root group=root mode=0444 notify: Reload NRPE server when: - nrpe_include_dir is defined - nagios_enabled is defined and nagios_enabled tags: [ 'orientdb', 'orientdb_nagios' ] - name: Ensure that the service is enabled and running service: name=orientdb state=started enabled=yes when: orientdb_enabled - name: Ensure that the service is stopped and disabled service: name=orientdb state=stopped enabled=no when: not orientdb_enabled tags: orientdb when: orientdb_install - block: - name: Create the acme hooks directory if it does not yet exist file: dest={{ letsencrypt_acme_services_scripts_dir }} state=directory owner=root group=root - name: Install a letsencrypt hook to update the orientdb certificate template: src=orientdb-letsencrypt-acme.sh.j2 dest={{ letsencrypt_acme_services_scripts_dir }}/orientdb owner=root group=root mode=4555 tags: [ 'orientdb', 'letsencrypt', 'orientdb_letsencrypt' ] when: - orientdb_install - orientdb_letsencrypt_ssl_enabled - block: - name: Ensure that the service is disabled and stopped service: name=orientdb state=stopped enabled=no - name: Remove the link to the orientdb distribution file: dest={{ orientdb_home_prefix }}/{{ orientdb_user }}/{{ orientdb_dir }} state=absent - name: Remove the default options file file: dest=/etc/default/orientdb state=absent tags: orientdb when: not orientdb_install