- block:
    - name: Add the boost ppa
      apt_repository: repo='ppa:boost-latest/ppa' update_cache=yes
      when: is_precise

    - name: Add the devel chain ppa
      apt_repository: repo='ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test' update_cache=yes

    - name: Install the quickrank dependencies
      apt: name={{ item }} state=present
      with_items: '{{ quickrank_package_list | default([]) }}'
  tags: [ 'boost', 'libboost', 'quickrank' ]

- block:
    - name: Download the quickrank distribution
      git: repo={{ quickrank_git_url }} dest=/home/{{ d4science_user }}/quickrank force={{ quickrank_git_force_pull }}
      register: quickrank_src

    - name: Copy some needed files if the distribution is Ubuntu 12.04
      copy: src={{ item }} dest=/home/{{ d4science_user }}/quickrank/{{ item }}
        - CMakeLists.txt.12.04.diff
        - QuickRankMakeRulesOverwrite.cmake
      when: is_precise

    - name: Apply a patch to the CMakeLists.txt if the distribution is Ubuntu 12.04
      shell: cd /home/{{ d4science_user }}/quickrank ; patch -p0 < CMakeLists.txt.12.04.diff
      when: is_precise

    - name: Configure the sources and compile them
      shell: cd /home/{{ d4science_user }}/quickrank ; rm -fr build ; mkdir build ; cd /home/{{ d4science_user }}/quickrank/build ; cmake .. -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++-5 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ; make
      when: quickrank_src is changed

    - name: Install the quickrank binaries
      become_user: "{{ d4science_ansible_become_user | default('root') }}"
      shell: cd /home/{{ d4science_user }}/quickrank/bin ; install -m 755 quicklearn /usr/local/bin
      when: quickrank_src is changed

  become: True
  become_user: '{{ d4science_user }}'
  tags: [ 'boost', 'libboost', 'quickrank', 'quickrank_bin' ]