# LDAP server URL
        URL                     {{ openvpn_ldap_url }}

{% if openvpn_ldap_nonanon_bind %}
        # Bind DN (If your LDAP server doesn't support anonymous binds)
        BindDN                  {{ openvpn_ldap_binddn }}
        # Bind Password
        Password                {{ openvpn_ldap_bindpwd }}
{% endif %}

        # Network timeout (in seconds)
        Timeout         15

{% if openvpn_ldap_starttls %}
        # Enable Start TLS
        TLSEnable      yes
{% endif %}

        # Follow LDAP Referrals (anonymously)
        FollowReferrals yes

        # TLS CA Certificate File
        TLSCACertFile           {{ openvpn_ldap_ca }}

{% if openvpn_ldap_use_ca_dir %}
        # TLS CA Certificate Directory
        # TLSCACertDir  {{ openvpn_ldap_ca_dir }}
{% endif %}

{% if openvpn_ldap_tls_auth %}
        # Client Certificate and key
        # If TLS client authentication is required
        TLSCertFile     {{ openvpn_ldap_tls_cert }}
        TLSKeyFile      {{ openvpn_ldap_tls_key }}
{% endif %}

        # Cipher Suite
        # The defaults are usually fine here
        TLSCipherSuite   {{ openvpn_ldap_tls_ciphersuite }}

        # Base DN
        BaseDN          "{{ openvpn_ldap_base_dn }}"

        # User Search Filter
        # SearchFilter  "(&(uid=%u)(accountStatus=active))"
        SearchFilter    "{{ openvpn_ldap_user_search }}"

        # Require Group Membership
        RequireGroup    {{ openvpn_ldap_require_group }}

{% if openvpn_ldap_require_group %}
        # Add non-group members to a PF table (disabled)
        #PFTable        ips_vpn_users

               BaseDN          "{{ openvpn_ldap_group_base }}"
               SearchFilter    "{{ openvpn_ldap_group_filter }}"
               RFC2307bis      {{ openvpn_ldap_without_posix_groups }}
               MemberAttribute {{ openvpn_ldap_group_member_attr }}
               # Add group members to a PF table (disabled)
        #       #PFTable        ips_vpn_eng
{% endif %}