--- # Old stuff, do not use # - name: Stop the gcube service shell: /home/{{ gcube_user }}/stopContainer.sh >/dev/null 2>&1 #shell: su - {{ gcube_user }} /home/{{ gcube_user }}/gCore/bin/gcore-stop-container ignore_errors: True tags: - ghn - name: Install the new ghn release action: ghn_r_cluster user={{ gcube_user }} tags: - ghn - name: Replace the hostname in the gCore/etc/globus_wsrf_core/server-config.wsdd configuration file lineinfile: dest=/home/{{ gcube_user }}/gCore/etc/globus_wsrf_core/server-config.wsdd regexp="<parameter name=\"logicalHost\" value=\".*/>" line="<parameter name=\"logicalHost\" value=\"{{ ansible_fqdn }}\"/>" tags: - ghn - ghnconfig - name: Replace JAVA_HOME in /home/{{ gcube_user }}/.gcorerc lineinfile: dest=/home/{{ gcube_user }}/.gcorerc regexp="^export JAVA_HOME=.*" line="export JAVA_HOME={{ jdk_java_home }}" tags: - ghn - ghnconfig - jdk