--- - block: - name: Install the letsencrypt conf template: src={{ item }}.j2 dest=/etc/nginx/conf.d/{{ item }} owner=root group=root mode=0644 with_items: '{{ nginx_letsencrypt_proxy_conf }}' notify: Reload nginx - name: Create the acme hooks directory if it does not yet exist file: dest={{ letsencrypt_acme_services_scripts_dir }} state=directory owner=root group=root - name: Install a letsencrypt hook for nginx copy: src=nginx-letsencrypt-acme.sh dest={{ letsencrypt_acme_services_scripts_dir }}/nginx owner=root group=root mode=4555 when: - letsencrypt_acme_install is defined and letsencrypt_acme_install - nginx_letsencrypt_managed tags: [ 'nginx', 'letsencrypt' ] - block: - name: Disable the letsencrypt conf file: dest=/etc/nginx/conf.d/letsencrypt-proxy.conf state=absent notify: nginx2 reload - name: Remove the letsencrypt hook for nginx file: path={{ letsencrypt_acme_services_scripts_dir }}/nginx state=absent when: not nginx_letsencrypt_managed tags: [ 'nginx', 'letsencrypt' ]