--- - name: Ensure that the download and install dirs exist file: path={{ item }} state=directory with_items: - '{{ mw_download_dir }}' - '{{ mw_install_dir }}' tags: mediawiki - name: Download the mediawiki tar file get_url: url={{ mw_download_url }} dest={{ mw_download_dir }} when: - not mw_install_from_package - mw_install_from_tar tags: mediawiki - name: Unpack the mediawiki tar file unarchive: copy=no src={{ mw_download_dir }}/mediawiki-{{ mw_version }}.{{ mw_minor_minor }}.tar.gz dest={{ mw_download_dir }} args: creates: '{{ mw_download_dir }}/mediawiki-{{ mw_version }}.{{ mw_minor_minor }}/INSTALL' when: mw_install_from_tar tags: mediawiki - name: Move the mediawiki files to the right place command: cp -a {{ mw_download_dir }}/mediawiki-{{ mw_version }}.{{ mw_minor_minor }} {{ mw_doc_root }} args: creates: '{{ mw_doc_root }}/index.php' when: mw_install_from_tar tags: mediawiki - name: Create the images subdirs file: dest={{ mw_doc_root }}/images/{{ item }} state=directory with_items: '{{ mw_upload_subdirs }}' tags: mediawiki - name: Set the correct ownership of the mediawiki files file: dest={{ mw_doc_root }} owner={{ item.user }} group={{ item.group }} recurse=yes state=directory with_items: '{{ phpfpm_pools }}' tags: mediawiki - name: Create the mediawiki conf dir file: path={{ mw_conf_dir }} state=directory tags: mediawiki - block: - name: Check if the mediawiki instance has been initialized already stat: path={{ mw_doc_root }}/.mwinitialized register: mw_init tags: [ 'mediawiki', 'mediawiki_init' ] - block: - name: Create a file with the DB password template: src=mw_db_passwd.j2 dest=/tmp/mw_db_passwd owner=root group=root mode=0400 - name: Create a file with the admin password template: src=mw_admin_passwd.j2 dest=/tmp/mw_admin_passwd owner=root group=root mode=0400 - name: Initialize the mediawiki instance shell: cd {{ mw_doc_root }} ; php maintenance/install.php --confpath {{ mw_conf_dir }} --dbname {{ mw_db_name }} --dbprefix {{ mw_db_table_prefix }} --dbuser {{ mw_db_user }} --dbpassfile /tmp/mw_db_passwd --with-extensions --scriptpath {{ mw_uri }} --passfile /tmp/mw_admin_passwd --wiki {{ mw_id }} --dbserver {{ mw_db_host }} --dbtype mysql --server https://{{ mw_wiki_servername }} "{{ mw_wiki_name }}" {{ mw_system_user }} && touch {{ mw_doc_root }}/.mwinitialized ; rm -f /tmp/mw_db_passwd /tmp/mw_admin_passwd args: creates: '{{ mw_doc_root }}/.mwinitialized' when: mw_init.stat.exists is defined and not mw_init.stat.exists tags: [ 'mediawiki', 'mediawiki_init' ]