--- - block: - name: Install python pip apt: name={{ py_env_basic_pkgs | default([]) }} state={{ py_env_pkgs_state }} update_cache=yes cache_valid_time=600 when: - py_env_install | bool - ansible_facts['distribution_version'] is version('16.04', '>=') tags: [ "python", "py_env" ] - block: - name: Remove python deb packages apt: name={{ py_env_dpkg_toremove | default([]) }} state=absent when: py_env_install | bool tags: [ "python", "py_env", "py_env_pkgs" ] - block: - name: Install deb packages needed to compile the pip modules apt: name={{ py_pip_deps | default([]) }} state={{ py_env_pkgs_state }} update_cache=yes cache_valid_time=600 - name: Install a list of versioned pip packages pip: name={{ item.pkg }} version={{ item.version }} with_items: '{{ py_env_versioned_pip_pkgs | default ([]) }}' - name: Install a list of pip packages pip: name={{ py_env_pip_pkgs | default ([]) }} state=latest - name: Install python deb packages apt: name={{ py_env_dpkg | default([]) }} state={{ py_env_pkgs_state }} update_cache=yes cache_valid_time=600 when: py_env_install | bool tags: [ "python", "py_env", "py_env_pkgs" ]