--- - name: Install the Remi repository package yum: name='{{ php_remi_repo_url }}' state=present when: php_remi_enable_repo tags: [ 'php', 'remi_repo' ] - name: Enable the required Remi repo command: yum-config-manager --enable remi-php{{ php_shortver }} when: php_remi_enable_repo tags: [ 'php', 'remi_repo' ] - name: install the php-fpm package. We assume that apache is the web server of choice. yum: pkg={{ item }} state={{ pkg_state }} with_items: php_fpm_packages tags: php - name: Set the timezone if we defined one ini_file: dest={{ php_conf_dir }}/php.ini section=Date option=date.timezone value={{ timezone }} backup=yes when: timezone is defined notify: Reload php-fpm tags: [ 'php', 'php_ini' ] - name: Set some other php.ini values ini_file: dest={{ php_conf_dir }}/php.ini section=Date option={{ item.option }} value={{ item.value }} backup=yes with_items: php_ini_values when: php_ini_values is defined notify: Reload php-fpm tags: [ 'php', 'php_ini' ] - name: Remove the standard www pool if needed copy: content="" dest={{ php_conf_dir }}/php-fpm.d/www.conf owner=root group=root mode=0444 when: phpfpm_remove_default_pool notify: Restart php-fpm tags: [ 'php', 'fpm_pool' ] - name: Create the base sessions directory file: dest={{ phpfpm_session_prefix }} owner=root group=root mode=0755 state=directory when: phpfpm_use_default_template tags: [ 'php', 'fpm_pool', 'php_session' ] - name: Create the directories where to store the sessions files. One for each pool file: dest={{ phpfpm_session_prefix }}/{{ item.pool_name }} owner={{ item.user }} group={{ item.group }} mode=0750 state=directory with_items: phpfpm_pools when: phpfpm_use_default_template tags: [ 'php', 'fpm_pool', 'php_session' ] - name: Install the php-fpm main config file template: src=php-fpm.conf.j2 dest={{ php_conf_dir }}/php-fpm.conf owner=root group=root mode=0444 notify: Restart php-fpm tags: [ 'php', 'fpm_pool', 'fpm_conf' ] - name: Install the php-fpm pools template: src=php-fpm-pool.conf.j2 dest={{ php_conf_dir }}/php-fpm.d/{{ item.pool_name }}.conf owner=root group=root mode=0444 with_items: phpfpm_pools when: phpfpm_use_default_template notify: Restart php-fpm tags: [ 'php', 'fpm_pool', 'fpm_conf', 'fpm_pool_conf' ] - name: Ensure that php-fpm is running and enabled service: name=php-fpm state=started enabled=yes when: phpfpm_service_enabled ignore_errors: True tags: php - name: Ensure that php-fpm is stopped if it is not meant to be running service: name=php-fpm state=stopped enabled=no when: not phpfpm_service_enabled ignore_errors: True tags: php