--- - block: - name: Remove the installed R connector file: dest={{ item }} state=absent with_items: - '{{ smartgears_instance_path }}/webapps/{{ r_connector_name }}' - '{{ smartgears_instance_path }}/webapps/{{ r_connector_name }}.{{ r_connector_extension }}' - name: Remove the packages required to enable the LDAP PAM authentication become: False apt: pkg={{ item }} state=absent with_items: '{{ r_connector_deb_pkgs }}' - name: Remove the connector raddusers script become: False file: dest={{ r_connector_adduserscript }} state=absent - name: Remove the RConfiguration repo file: dest={{ r_connector_rprofile_path }} state=absent - name: Remove the cron job that regulary updates the Rprofile cron: name="Update the RStudioConfiguration repo" job="cd {{ r_connector_rprofile_path }} ; svn update >/dev/null 2>&1" state=absent become: True become_user: '{{ smartgears_user }}' when: not r_connector_install notify: Restart smartgears tags: [ 'smartgears', 'r_connector', 'tomcat' ] - block: - name: Get the R Connector war maven_artifact: artifact_id={{ r_connector_name }} version={{ r_connector_ver | default('latest') }} group_id={{ r_connector_group_id }} extension={{ r_connector_extension }} repository_url={{ smartgears_global_base_url }} dest={{ smartgears_downloads_dir }}/{{ r_connector_filename }} register: r_connector_download - name: Remove the installed R connector before upgrading file: dest={{ item }} state=absent with_items: - '{{ smartgears_instance_path }}/webapps/{{ r_connector_name }}' - '{{ smartgears_instance_path }}/webapps/{{ r_connector_name }}.{{ r_connector_extension }}' notify: Restart smartgears when: ( r_connector_download | changed ) - name: Create the R connector webapp directory file: dest={{ smartgears_instance_path }}/webapps/{{ r_connector_name }} state=directory when: ( r_connector_download | changed ) - name: Unarchive the R connector war file unarchive: copy=no src={{ smartgears_downloads_dir }}/{{ r_connector_filename }} dest={{ smartgears_instance_path }}/webapps/{{ r_connector_name }} args: creates: '{{ smartgears_instance_path }}/webapps/{{ r_connector_name }}/WEB-INF/web.xml' notify: Restart smartgears - name: Obtain the permission to read the Rstudio secure cookie key become_user: root file: dest={{ r_connector_rstudio_cookie_key }} mode=640 group={{ smartgears_user }} - name: Install the R connector web.xml template template: src=r-web.xml.j2 dest={{ smartgears_instance_path }}/webapps/{{ r_connector_name }}/WEB-INF/web.xml mode=0440 notify: Restart smartgears - name: Install the R add users script become_user: root template: src=rusersadd.j2 dest={{ r_connector_adduserscript }} owner=root group=root mode=0555 - name: Crete the directory that will host the RConfiguration stuff become_user: root file: dest={{ r_connector_rprofile_base_dir }} owner={{ d4science_user }} group={{ d4science_user }} state=directory - name: Get the svn repository that provides the .Rprofile subversion: repo={{ r_connector_rprofile_svn_url }} dest={{ r_connector_rprofile_path }} - name: Install the cron job that regulary updates the Rprofile cron: name="Update the RStudioConfiguration repo" special_time=daily job="cd {{ r_connector_rprofile_path }} ; svn update >/dev/null 2>&1" become: True become_user: '{{ smartgears_user }}' when: r_connector_install tags: [ 'smartgears', 'r_connector', 'tomcat' ] - block: - name: Install the packages required to enable the LDAP PAM authentication apt: pkg={{ item }} state=present update_cache=yes cache_valid_time=1800 with_items: '{{ r_connector_deb_pkgs }}' - name: Install the pam ldap configuration. We cannot use the debian tools, they are broken on ubuntu in non interactive mode copy: src={{ item }} dest=/etc/pam.d/{{ item }} with_items: '{{ r_connector_ldap_map_common }}' notify: - Restart the NSLCD service - Restart the NSCD service - name: Create the ldap-auth-config directory file: dest=/etc/auth-client-config/profile.d state=directory notify: - Restart the NSLCD service - Restart the NSCD service - name: Install the ldap-auth-config file copy: src=ldap-auth-config dest=/etc/auth-client-config/profile.d/ldap-auth-config notify: - Restart the NSLCD service - Restart the NSCD service - name: Install the nsswitch.conf file copy: src=nsswitch.conf dest=/etc/nsswitch.conf notify: - Restart the NSLCD service - Restart the NSCD service - name: Install the nslcd configuration template: src=nslcd.conf.j2 dest=/etc/nslcd.conf mode=0640 owner=root group=nslcd notify: - Restart the NSLCD service - Restart the NSCD service when: - r_connector_install - r_connector_ldap_enabled tags: [ 'smartgears', 'r_connector', 'tomcat' ]