--- - block: - name: Install the common deb packages apt: pkg={{ jenkins_common_deb_package_requirements }} state={{ jenkins_pkg_state }} update_cache=yes cache_valid_time=3600 when: ansible_distribution_file_variety == "Debian" tags: [ 'jenkins', 'jenkins_common', 'jenkins_master', 'jenkins_slave', 'jenkins_slaves', 'jenkins_pkgs' ] - block: - name: Install the common RH/CentOS packages yum: pkg={{ jenkins_common_rh_package_requirements }} state={{ jenkins_pkg_state }} when: ansible_distribution_file_variety != "Debian" tags: [ 'jenkins', 'jenkins_common', 'jenkins_master', 'jenkins_slave', 'jenkins_slaves', 'jenkins_pkgs' ] - block: - name: Create the ssh key on the master node user: name={{ jenkins_username }} generate_ssh_key=True delegate_to: '{{ item }}' with_items: '{{ groups.jenkins_master }}' when: ansible_fqdn == '{{ jenkins_master_hostname }}' run_once: True - name: Get the master ssh keys become: True become_user: '{{ jenkins_username }}' shell: cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub register: jenkins_pubkeys - name: Deploy the public ssh key on the slaves authorized_key: user={{ jenkins_username }} key={{ item[0] }} delegate_to: '{{ item[1] }}' with_nested: - '{{ jenkins_pubkeys.stdout }}' - "{{ groups['jenkins_slaves'] }}" when: jenkins_slaves_via_ssh tags: [ 'jenkins', 'jenkins_common', 'jenkins_master', 'jenkins_slave', 'jenkins_slaves' ] - block: - name: Create the maven setting directory file: dest={{ jenkins_dest }}/{{ item }} state=directory with_items: '{{ jenkins_maven_settings_dirs }}' - name: Fetch the maven settings template file become: False become_user: root run_once: True get_url: url={{ jenkins_maven_settings_url }} dest=/tmp/settings.xml.j2 force=yes delegate_to: localhost - name: Install the maven settings template: src=/tmp/settings.xml.j2 dest={{ jenkins_dest }}/.m2/settings.xml become: True become_user: '{{ jenkins_username }}' when: jenkins_maven_config tags: [ 'jenkins', 'jenkins_common', 'jenkins_master', 'jenkins_slave', 'jenkins_maven_config' ]