--- - block: # Handle plugins # If Jenkins is installed or updated, wait for pulling the Jenkins CLI, assuming 10s should be sufficiant - name: Wait for jenkins wait_for: port={{ jenkins_http_port }} delay={{ jenkins_restart_delay }} state=started timeout={{ jenkins_restart_wait_timeout }} when: jenkins_has_been_restarted is changed or jenkins_has_been_started is changed # Create Jenkins CLI destination directory - name: "Create Jenkins CLI destination directory" file: path={{ jenkins_dest }} state=directory - name: Get Jenkins CLI get_url: url={{ jenkins_local_url}}/jnlpJars/jenkins-cli.jar dest={{ jenkins_cli_dest }} mode=0440 # - name: Check if Jenkins has been initialized already # stat: path={{ jenkins_admin_user_pwd_file }} # register: jenkins_pwd_path # - name: Get the initial admin password, if we have to initialize the service # shell: cat '{{ jenkins_dest }}/secrets/initialAdminPassword' # register: jenkins_admin_pwd # when: not jenkins_pwd_path.stat.exists # # Create the Jenkins administrative user password file # - name: Create the Jenkins administrative user password file # copy: content={{ jenkins_admin_pwd.stdout }} dest={{ jenkins_admin_user_pwd_file }} mode=600 # Create the Jenkins administrative user password file - name: Create the Jenkins administrative user password file copy: content={{ jenkins_admin_pwd }} dest={{ jenkins_admin_user_pwd_file }} mode=600 - name: Install plugins without a specific version jenkins_plugin: name="{{ item.name }}" state={{ item.state | default('latest') }} with_dependencies={{ item.dependencies | default(True) }} url={{ jenkins_local_url }} url_username={{ jenkins_access_params.url_username }} url_password={{ jenkins_access_params.url_password }} when: item.version is not defined with_items: '{{ jenkins_plugins }}' notify: Restart jenkins ignore_errors: True - name: Install plugins with a specific version jenkins_plugin: name="{{ item.name }}" state={{ item.state | default('latest') }} version='{{ item.version }}' url={{ jenkins_local_url }} url_username={{ jenkins_access_params.url_username }} url_password={{ jenkins_access_params.url_password }} when: item.version is defined with_items: '{{ jenkins_plugins }}' notify: Restart jenkins ignore_errors: True become: True become_user: '{{ jenkins_username }}' when: jenkins_install tags: [ 'jenkins', 'jenkins_plugins', 'jenkins_master' ]