# This playbook depends on the php-fpm, mysql role and nginx or apache2
mw_install_from_package: False
# We have some cases when we only want to install the dependencies and prepare the environment
mw_install_from_tar: True
mw_version: 1.25
mw_minor_minor: 1
mw_download_url: http://releases.wikimedia.org/mediawiki/{{ mw_version }}/mediawiki-{{ mw_version }}.{{ mw_minor_minor }}.tar.gz
mw_download_dir: /srv/mediawiki
mw_install_dir: /var/www
mw_conf_dir: /etc/mediawiki

  - php5-intl
  - php5-cli
  - php5-mysqlnd
  - php-apc
  - php-pear
  - php5-ldap
  - imagemagick
  - spawn-fcgi
  - fcgiwrap

# This choice is not recommended. The package has a poor list of dependencies. We do not want to deal with those
  - mediawiki