--- # This is only needed to force an upgrade - block: - name: Remove the old dataminer installation file: path={{ smartgears_instance_path }}/webapps/{{ dataminer_wps_name }} state=absent become: True become_user: '{{ smartgears_user }}' when: - dataminer_app_install - dataminer_app_upgrade tags: [ 'tomcat', 'dataminer', 'wps' ] # This is only needed to force an upgrade - block: - name: Remove the old dataminer algorithm installer file: path={{ smartgears_user_home }}/algorithmInstaller state=absent become: True become_user: '{{ smartgears_user }}' when: - dataminer_app_install - dataminer_algorithms_upgrade tags: [ 'tomcat', 'dataminer', 'wps', 'dataminer_algorithms', 'dataminer_algorithms_installer' ] - block: - name: Get and unpack the dataminer application maven_artifact: artifact_id={{ dataminer_wps_name }} version={{ dataminer_wps_version | default(omit) }} group_id={{ dataminer_wps_group_id }} extension={{ dataminer_wps_extension | default('war') }} repository_url={{ smartgears_global_base_url }} dest={{ smartgears_downloads_dir }}/{{ dataminer_wps_file }} register: dataminer_app_downloaded - name: Remove the old dataminer installation file: path={{ smartgears_instance_path }}/webapps/{{ dataminer_wps_name }} state=absent when: (dataminer_app_downloaded | changed) - name: Create the dataminer wps working directory file: path={{ smartgears_instance_path }}/webapps/{{ dataminer_wps_name }} state=directory owner={{ smartgears_user }} group={{ smartgears_user }} - name: Unarchive the dataminer_wps war unarchive: copy=no src={{ smartgears_downloads_dir }}/{{ dataminer_wps_file }} dest={{ smartgears_instance_path }}/webapps/{{ dataminer_wps_name }} creates='{{ smartgears_instance_path }}/webapps/{{ dataminer_wps_name }}/WEB-INF/lib' notify: Restart smartgears - name: Install the dataminer web.xml template: src=web.xml.j2 dest={{ smartgears_instance_path }}/webapps/{{ dataminer_wps_name }}/WEB-INF/lib/web.xml notify: Restart smartgears - name: Create a directory where to install the algorithms directory file: path={{ smartgears_user_home }}/wps_algorithms state=directory - name: Get and unpack the algorithms installer maven_artifact: artifact_id={{ dataminer_algorithms_name }} version={{ dataminer_algorithms_version | default(omit) }} group_id={{ dataminer_algorithms_group_id }} extension={{ dataminer_algorithms_extension | default('war') }} repository_url={{ dataminer_algorithms_base_url }} dest={{ smartgears_downloads_dir }}/{{ dataminer_algorithms_file }} register: algorithms_installer_downloaded tags: [ 'tomcat', 'dataminer', 'wps', 'dataminer_algorithms', 'dataminer_algorithms_installer' ] - name: Remove the old dataminer algorithm installer file: path={{ smartgears_user_home }}/algorithmInstaller state=absent when: (algorithms_installer_downloaded | changed) tags: [ 'tomcat', 'dataminer', 'wps', 'dataminer_algorithms', 'dataminer_algorithms_installer' ] - name: Unarchive the algorithms installer unarchive: copy=no src={{ smartgears_downloads_dir }}/{{ dataminer_algorithms_file }} dest={{ smartgears_user_home }} creates='{{ smartgears_user_home }}/algorithmInstaller/addAlgorithm.sh' tags: [ 'tomcat', 'dataminer', 'wps', 'dataminer_algorithms', 'dataminer_algorithms_installer' ] - name: Download the WPS algorithms from subversion subversion: repo={{ dataminer_wps_algorithms_svn }} dest={{ smartgears_user_home }}/wps_algorithms/algorithms checkout=yes force=yes update=yes tags: [ 'tomcat', 'dataminer', 'wps', 'dataminer_algorithms', 'dataminer_algorithms_svn' ] - name: Create a directory where to install the algorithms updater logs and data file: path={{ smartgears_user_home }}/wps_algorithms_install_log state=directory tags: [ 'tomcat', 'dataminer', 'wps', 'dataminer_algorithms', 'dataminer_algorithms_script' ] - name: Install a script that updates the algorithms repository and adds the missing algorithms configurations become_user: "{{ d4science_ansible_become_user | default('root') }}" template: src=algorithms-updater.j2 dest=/usr/local/bin/algorithms-updater mode=0755 tags: [ 'tomcat', 'dataminer', 'wps', 'dataminer_algorithms', 'dataminer_algorithms_script' ] - name: Cron job that updates the algorithms repository and adds the missing algorithms configurations cron: name="SVN update the algorithms repository" minute="{{ dataminer_algorithms_updater_minute_frequency }}" hour="{{ dataminer_algorithms_updater_hour_frequency }}" job="/usr/local/bin/algorithms-updater > {{ smartgears_user_home }}/wps_algorithms_install_log/algorithms_updater_cron.log 2>&1" user='{{ smartgears_user }}' state={{ dataminer_algorithms_updater_cron }} tags: [ 'tomcat', 'dataminer', 'wps', 'dataminer_algorithms', 'dataminer_algorithms_cron' ] - name: Create a directory where to install the gebco_08.nc data file file: path={{ smartgears_user_home }}/data state=directory - name: Install the gebco_08.nc file from thredds. It is big, mostly 2GB get_url: url={{ dataminer_data_file_from_thredds }} dest={{ smartgears_user_home }}/data/gebco_08.nc timeout=2400 - name: Create a symlink to the gebco_08.nc file file: src={{ smartgears_user_home }}/data/gebco_08.nc dest={{ smartgears_instance_path }}/webapps/{{ dataminer_wps_name }}/ecocfg/gebco_08.nc state=link notify: Restart smartgears - name: Install a couple of jar files under ecocfg get_url: url=http://svn.research-infrastructures.eu/public/d4science/gcube/trunk/data-analysis/wps/src/main/webapp/ecocfg/{{ item }} dest={{ smartgears_instance_path }}/webapps/{{ dataminer_wps_name }}/ecocfg/{{ item }} with_items: - 'YASMEEN-matcher-' - 'YASMEEN-parser-1.2.0.jar' - name: Install a couple of jar files under ecocfg/PARALLEL_PROCESSING get_url: url=http://svn.research-infrastructures.eu/public/d4science/gcube/trunk/data-analysis/wps/src/main/webapp/ecocfg/{{ item }} dest={{ smartgears_instance_path }}/webapps/{{ dataminer_wps_name }}/ecocfg/PARALLEL_PROCESSING/{{ item }} with_items: - 'YASMEEN-matcher-' - 'YASMEEN-parser-1.2.0.jar' - name: Install the old properties files copy: src={{ item }} dest={{ smartgears_instance_path }}/webapps/{{ dataminer_wps_name }}/ecocfg/{{ item }} force=yes with_items: '{{ dataminer_properties_files }}' - name: Install the script that fixes the WPS configuration become_user: "{{ d4science_ansible_become_user | default('root') }}" template: src=wps-config-fixer.j2 dest=/usr/local/bin/wps-config-fixer owner=root group=root mode=0555 with_items: '{{ tomcat_m_instances }}' - name: Remove the catalina additional configuration #template: src={{ dataminer_wps_name }}.xml.j2 dest={{ item.instance_path }}/conf/Catalina/localhost/{{ dataminer_wps_name }}.xml file: dest={{ item.instance_path }}/conf/Catalina/localhost/{{ dataminer_wps_name }}.xml state=absent with_items: '{{ tomcat_m_instances }}' notify: Restart smartgears - name: Fix the WPS config file shell: /usr/local/bin/wps-config-fixer # notify: Restart smartgears become: True become_user: '{{ smartgears_user }}' when: dataminer_app_install tags: [ 'tomcat', 'dataminer', 'wps' ]