--- - name: Install the cassandra apt key raw: apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv 350200F2B999A372 when: cassandra_install_from_external_repo tags: cassandra - name: Install the cassandra repository copy: content="deb http://debian.datastax.com/community stable main" dest=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/cassandra.sources.list owner=root group=root mode=044 when: cassandra_install_from_external_repo register: external_repo tags: cassandra - name: Update the apt cache apt: update_cache=yes when: ( external_repo | changed ) ignore_errors: True tags: cassandra - name: Install a specific version of cassandra server apt: pkg={{ item }}={{ cassandra_version }} state=present with_items: - cassandra when: - cassandra_install_from_external_repo - cassandra_install_packages - not cassandra_latest_version tags: cassandra - name: Install a specific version of cassandra tools apt: pkg={{ item }}={{ cassandra_version }} state=present with_items: - cassandra-tools when: - cassandra_install_from_external_repo - cassandra_install_packages - not cassandra_latest_version tags: cassandra - name: hold the version of cassandra server action: shell apt-mark hold {{ item }} with_items: - cassandra - cassandra-tools when: - cassandra_install_from_external_repo - cassandra_install_packages - not cassandra_latest_version tags: cassandra - name: Install the latest version of cassandra server apt: pkg={{ item }} state=latest with_items: - cassandra - cassandra-tools when: - cassandra_install_from_external_repo - cassandra_install_packages - cassandra_latest_version tags: cassandra - name: Ensure cassandra is started service: name=cassandra state=started enabled=yes when: ( cassandra_start_server is defined ) and ( cassandra_start_server == 'yes' ) tags: cassandra - name: Ensure cassandra is stopped and disabled service: name=cassandra state=stopped enabled=no when: ( cassandra_start_server is defined ) and ( cassandra_start_server == 'no' ) tags: cassandra