- block:
    - name: Install the opencpu repository
      apt_repository: repo={{ opencpu_repo }} update_cache=yes

    - name: Install the opencpu package
      apt: pkg={{ item }} state={{ opencpu_pkg_state }} update_cache=yes cache_valid_time=3600
      with_items: '{{ opencpu_pkgs }}'

    - name: Install a custom opencpu configuration
      template: src=custom-opencpu.conf.j2 dest=/etc/opencpu/server.conf.d/custom.conf owner=opencpu group=opencpu mode=0644
      notify: restart opencpu

    - name: Ensure that the opencpu service is enabled and running
      service: name=opencpu state=started enabled=yes
      when: opencpu_enabled

    - name: Ensure that the opencpu service is disabled and stopped
      service: name=opencpu state=stopped enabled=no
      when: not opencpu_enabled

  tags: opencpu
  when: opencpu_install

- block:
    - name: Remove the opencpu repository
      apt_repository: repo={{ opencpu_repo }} state=absent

    - name: Remove the opencpu package
      apt: pkg={{ item }} state=absent
      with_items: '{{ opencpu_pkgs }}'

  tags: opencpu
  when: not opencpu_install