- name: Fix rsyslog behaviour on some ubuntu machines disabling the kernel logger
  lineinfile: dest=/etc/rsyslog.conf regexp="\\$ModLoad\ imklog" line="#$ModLoad imklog" backup=yes
    - is_precise and ansible_kernel != "3.2.0-4-amd64"
    - is_not_trusty
  notify: Restart rsyslog
  tags: rsyslog

- name: Enable the kernel logger on ubuntu >= 12.04 and kernel major version >= 3
  lineinfile: dest=/etc/rsyslog.conf line="$ModLoad imklog " insertafter="\\$ModLoad\ imuxsock" backup=yes
    - is_precise and ansible_kernel == "3.2.0-4-amd64"
    - is_trusty
  notify: Restart rsyslog
  tags: rsyslog

- name: Install custom rsyslog rules
  template: src=10-custom_rules.conf.j2 dest=/etc/rsyslog.d/10-custom_rules.conf owner=root group=root mode=0444
  when: default_rsyslog_custom_rules is defined
  notify: Restart rsyslog
  tags: rsyslog