# specific configuration options for production environment
# that overrides the default ones
# production:
#   email_delivery:
#     delivery_method: :async_smtp
#     async_smtp_settings:
#       address:
#       domain: 'research-infrastructures.eu'
#       port: 25
#       enable_starttls_auto: false

    delivery_method: :async_sendmail

# Key used to encrypt sensitive data in the database (SCM and LDAP passwords).
# If you don't want to enable data encryption, just leave it blank.
# WARNING: losing/changing this key will make encrypted data unreadable.
# If you want to encrypt existing passwords in your database:
# * set the cipher key here in your configuration file
# * encrypt data using 'rake db:encrypt RAILS_ENV=production'
# If you have encrypted data and want to change this key, you have to:
# * decrypt data using 'rake db:decrypt RAILS_ENV=production' first
# * change the cipher key here in your configuration file
# * encrypt data using 'rake db:encrypt RAILS_ENV=production'
#  database_cipher_key:

# Your secret key for verifying cookie session data integrity. If you
# change this key, all old sessions will become invalid! Make sure the
# secret is at least 30 characters and all random, no regular words or
# you'll be exposed to dictionary attacks.
# If you have a load-balancing Redmine cluster, you have to use the
# same secret token on each machine.
{% if redmine_secret_token is defined %}
secret_token: '{{ redmine_secret_token }}'
{% endif %}

# specific configuration options for development environment
# that overrides the default ones