- name: Install the vsftpd package
  apt: pkg=vsftpd state=installed update_cache=yes cache_valid_time=3600
  tags: [ 'vsftpd', 'ftp' ] 

- name: Install the vsftpd configuration file
  template: src=vsftpd.conf.j2 dest=/etc/vsftpd.conf mode=0444 owner=root group=root
  notify: Restart the vsftpd server
  tags: [ 'vsftpd', 'ftp' ] 

- name: Start and enable the vsftpd server
  service: name=vsftpd state=started enabled=yes
  when: vsftpd_server_enabled
  tags: [ 'vsftpd', 'ftp' ] 

- name: Stop and disable the vsftpd server
  service: name=vsftpd state=stopped
  when: not vsftpd_server_enabled
  tags: [ 'vsftpd', 'ftp' ]