- name: Install the virtuoso comsode.eu repository key
  apt_key: url={{ virtuoso_external_repo_key }} state=present
  when: virtuoso_from_external_repo
  tags: virtuoso
- name: Install the virtuoso comsode.eu repository config
  apt_repository: repo='{{ virtuoso_external_repo }}' state=present update_cache=yes
  when: virtuoso_from_external_repo
  tags: virtuoso

- name: Disable the virtuoso comsode.eu repository config if we do not want to install from it
  apt_repository: repo='{{ virtuoso_external_repo }}' state=absent update_cache=yes
  when: not virtuoso_from_external_repo
  tags: virtuoso

- name: Install the virtuoso packages
  apt: name={{ item }} state={{ virtuoso_pkg_state }}
  with_items: '{{ virtuoso_pkg_list }}'
  tags: virtuoso

- name: Install the virtuoso optional packages
  apt: name={{ item }} state={{ virtuoso_pkg_state }}
  with_items: '{{ virtuoso_optional_pkgs }}'
  when: virtuoso_install_optional_pkgs
  tags: virtuoso