- block:
    - name: Install a script that downloads and configure a global drush executable
      template: src=drush-global-setup.sh.j2 dest=/usr/local/bin/drush-global-setup owner=root group=root mode=0700
      tags: ['drupal', 'drush', 'global_drush' ]

    - name: Setup a global drush executable
      command: /usr/local/bin/drush-global-setup
        creates: /usr/local/bin/drush
      tags: ['drupal', 'drush', 'global_drush' ]

    - name: Install drush locally as part of drupal
      become: True
      become_user: '{{ item.user }}'
      composer: command=require arguments=drush/drush:{{ drupal_drush_version }} prefer_dist=yes working_dir={{ item.doc_root }}
      with_items: '{{ phpfpm_pools }}'

  tags: ['drupal', 'drush' ]