- name: Create the yii installation directory
  file: dest={{ yii_install_dir }} state=directory owner=root group=root mode=0755
  tags: [ 'yii', 'yii-framework' ]

- name: Get the yii distribution file
  get_url: url={{ yii_download_url }} dest={{ yii_install_dir }}/yii-{{ yii_version }}.{{ yii_release }}.tar.gz mode=0400
  tags: [ 'yii', 'yii-framework' ]

- name: Unpack the yii distribution file
  unarchive: src=/opt/yii-{{ yii_version }}.{{ yii_release }}.tar.gz dest={{ yii_install_dir }} copy=no
    creates: '{{ yii_install_dir }}/yii-{{ yii_version }}.{{ yii_release }}/framework/yii.php'
  register: yii_unpack
  tags: [ 'yii', 'yii-framework' ]

- name: Fix the permissions on the yii framework directory
  command: chown -R root:root {{ yii_install_dir }}/yii-{{ yii_version }}.{{ yii_release }}
  when: ( yii_unpack | changed )
  tags: [ 'yii', 'yii-framework' ]

- name: Create a couple of links to the running version
  file: src={{ yii_install_dir }}/yii-{{ yii_version }}.{{ yii_release }} dest={{ item }} state=link
    - '{{ yii_framework_dir }}'
    - '{{ yii_install_dir }}/yii'
  tags: [ 'yii', 'yii-framework' ]

- name: Remove the unneeded files
  file: dest={{ yii_install_dir }}/yii-{{ yii_version }}.{{ yii_release }}/{{ item }} state=absent
  with_items: yii_unneeded_files
  tags: [ 'yii', 'yii-framework' ]

- name: Install the php required modules
  apt: name={{ item }} state=present
  with_items: yii_php_modules
  notify: Reload php-fpm
  tags: [ 'yii', 'yii-framework' ]

- name: Install the php modules to access the db servers
  apt: name={{ item }} state=present
  with_items: yii_php_db_server_modules
  notify: Reload php-fpm
  tags: [ 'yii', 'yii-framework' ]