# There's an untrusted Ubuntu PPA repository with gobs of packages and dependencies: https://launchpad.net/~marutter/+archive/ubuntu/c2d4u NOT TESTED
# To list the installed R packages
# Run R, then execute
# packinfo <- installed.packages (fields = c ("Package", "Version"))
# packinfo[,c("Package", "Version")]
# The install/remove script has been taken from here: http://adamj.eu/tech/2014/07/19/installing-and-removing-r-packages-with-ansible/

# Set to present if you want install from CRAN
r_install_cran_repo: absent
#r_cran_mirror_site: http://cran.rstudio.com
r_cran_set_default_mirror: True
r_cran_mirror_site: https://cran.mirror.garr.it/mirrors/CRAN/
r_base_specific_version: False
r_base_pkg_version: 3.4.3
r_packages_main_state: present
r_packages_state: '{{ r_packages_main_state }}'
r_sitelib_path: '/usr/local/lib/R/site-library'
r_plugins_from_deb: True
r_packages_cleanup: False
r_packages_updater: False
r_package_updater_via_subversion: True
r_package_updater_subversion_repo: http://svn.research-infrastructures.eu/public/d4science/gcube/trunk/data-analysis/RConfiguration/RPackagesManagement/
r_packages_svn_base_dir: /srv/r_updater
r_packages_svn_files_prefix: ''
# They need to be flat text files
# 1 package per line
# package[:cran mirror]
# The CRAN mirror URL is optional
# user/package_name

r_source_plugins_dest_dir: /var/cache/R

# r_distribution_required_packages:
#   - gdal-bin
#   - dans-gdal-scripts
#   - libgdal1-dev
#   - libgeos-dev
#   - libspatialite-dev
#   - proj
#   - proj-bin
#   - proj-data
#   - libproj-dev

  - r-base

# Same list as above, but without version numbers.
  - jags
  - r-cran-rjags
  - r-cran-abind
  - r-cran-boot
  - r-cran-class
  - r-cran-cluster
  - r-cran-coda
  - r-cran-codetools
  - r-cran-foreign
  - r-cran-lattice
  - r-cran-maptools
  - r-cran-mass
  - r-cran-matrix
  - r-cran-mgcv
  - r-cran-nlme
  - r-cran-nnet
  - r-cran-rpart
  - r-cran-sp
  - r-cran-spatial
  - r-cran-survival

  - 'ppa:opencpu/jq'

# r_plugins_list_to_install:
#   - { name: 'R2WinBUGS', repo: '{{ r_cran_mirror_site }}' }
#   - { name: 'R2jags', repo: '{{ r_cran_mirror_site }}' }
#   - { name: 'bayesmix', repo: '{{ r_cran_mirror_site }}' }
#   - { name: 'coda', repo: '{{ r_cran_mirror_site }}' }
#   - { name: 'rjags', repo: '{{ r_cran_mirror_site }}' }
#   - { name: 'runjags', repo: '{{ r_cran_mirror_site }}' }
#   - { name: 'base', repo: '{{ r_cran_mirror_site }}' }
#   - { name: 'compiler', repo: '{{ r_cran_mirror_site }}' }
#   - { name: 'datasets', repo: '{{ r_cran_mirror_site }}' }
#   - { name: 'grDevices', repo: '{{ r_cran_mirror_site }}' }
#   - { name: 'graphics', repo: '{{ r_cran_mirror_site }}' }
#   - { name: 'grid', repo: '{{ r_cran_mirror_site }}' }
#   - { name: 'methods', repo: '{{ r_cran_mirror_site }}' }
#   - { name: 'parallel', repo: '{{ r_cran_mirror_site }}' }
#   - { name: 'reshape', repo: '{{ r_cran_mirror_site }}' }
#   - { name: 'splines', repo: '{{ r_cran_mirror_site }}' }
#   - { name: 'stats', repo: '{{ r_cran_mirror_site }}' }
#   - { name: 'stats4', repo: '{{ r_cran_mirror_site }}' }
#   - { name: 'tcltk', repo: '{{ r_cran_mirror_site }}' }
#   - { name: 'tools', repo: '{{ r_cran_mirror_site }}' }
#   - { name: 'utils', repo: '{{ r_cran_mirror_site }}' }

# r_plugins_from_sources:
#   - { name: 'plyr', version: '1.7.1', source: 'plyr_1.7.1.tar.gz', url: 'http://cran.r-project.org/src/contrib/Archive/plyr/plyr_1.7.1.tar.gz' }

# r_plugins_from_github:
#   - { plugin_name: 'RFigisGeo', github_user: 'openfigis' }
#   - { plugin_name: 'rsdmx', github_user: 'opensdmx' }
