- block:
    - name: Create the sharelatex data dirs on the host when the container runs as docker
      file: dest={{ sharelatex_host_data_dir }} state=directory owner=docker group=docker
      when: docker_run_as_docker_user

    - name: Create the sharelatex data dir on the host when the container runs as root
      file: dest={{ sharelatex_host_data_dir }} state=directory
      when: not docker_run_as_docker_user

    - name: Create the sharelatex directory into the docker s user home
      file: dest={{ docker_user_home }}/sharelatex state=directory owner=docker group=docker
      when: docker_run_as_docker_user
    - name: Install the docker env file when the container runs as docker
      template: src=sharelatex-env.sh.j2 dest={{ docker_user_home }}/sharelatex/sharelatex-env.sh owner=docker group=docker
      when: docker_run_as_docker_user
      tags: [ 'docker', 'sharelatex', 'sharelatex_container' ]

    - name: Install the docker env file when the container runs as root
      template: src=sharelatex-env.sh.j2 dest=/opt/sharelatex-env.sh
      when: not docker_run_as_docker_user
      tags: [ 'docker', 'sharelatex', 'sharelatex_container' ]

    - name: Start the Sharelatex docker container as docker user
      become: True
      become_user: docker
      docker_container: name={{ sharelatex_container_name }} volumes={{ sharelatex_host_data_dir }}:{{ sharelatex_container_data_dir }} published_ports={{ sharelatex_container_public_port }}:{{ sharelatex_container_local_port }} env_file={{ docker_user_home }}/sharelatex/sharelatex-env.sh image={{ sharelatex_docker_image }} state=started keep_volumes=yes pull=yes
      when: docker_run_as_docker_user
      tags: [ 'docker', 'sharelatex', 'sharelatex_container' ]

    - name: Start the Sharelatex docker container as root
      command: docker run -v {{ sharelatex_host_data_dir }}:{{ sharelatex_container_data_dir }} -p {{ sharelatex_container_public_port }}:{{ sharelatex_container_local_port }} --name={{ sharelatex_container_name }} --env-file /opt/sharelatex-env.sh image={{ sharelatex_docker_image }}
      when: not docker_run_as_docker_user
      tags: [ 'docker', 'sharelatex', 'sharelatex_container' ]

  when: sharelatex_install
  tags: [ 'docker', 'sharelatex' ]