- name: Install the ldap utilities
  apt: pkg={{ item }} state={{ pkg_state }}
    - ldapscripts
    - libpam-ldap
  tags: ldap-client

- name: Write the ldap client configuration file
  template: src=ldap.conf-old.j2 dest=/etc/ldap.conf mode=444 owner=root group=root
  when: is_ubuntu_less_than_trusty
  tags: ldap-client

- name: Write the ldap client configuration file
  template: src=ldap.conf.j2 dest=/etc/ldap/ldap.conf mode=444 owner=root group=root
  when: is_trusty
  tags: ldap-client

- name: set the ldapscripts.conf uri
  action: configfile path=/etc/ldapscripts/ldapscripts.conf key=SERVER value='{{ ldap_uri }}' syntax=shell
  when: is_trusty
  tags: ldap-client

- name: set the ldapscripts.conf bind dn
  action: configfile path=/etc/ldapscripts/ldapscripts.conf key=BINDDN value='cn=admin,{{ ldap_base_dn }}' syntax=shell
  when: is_trusty
  tags: ldap-client
- name: set the ldapscripts.conf dn suffix
  action: configfile path=/etc/ldapscripts/ldapscripts.conf key=SUFFIX value='{{ ldap_base_dn }}' syntax=shell
  when: is_trusty
  tags: ldap-client