- name: apache2 reload
  service: name=apache2 state=reloaded
  when: ruby_use_mod_passenger

- name: apache2 reload when needed
  service: name=apache2 state=reloaded
  when: ruby_use_mod_passenger
# NB: we set 1.9.1, but if ruby1.9.3 is installed the real default is 1.9.3. Blame debian/ubuntu
- name: set ruby 1.9.3 as default
#  shell: update-alternatives --set ruby /usr/bin/ruby1.9.1
  alternatives: name=ruby path=/usr/bin/ruby1.9.1
  when: is_precise
  ignore_errors: True

# NB: we set 1.9.1, but if gem1.9.3 is installed the real default is 1.9.3. Blame debian/ubuntu
- name: set gem 1.9.3 as default
#  shell: update-alternatives --set gem /usr/bin/gem1.9.1
  alternatives: name=gem path=/usr/bin/gem1.9.1
  when: is_precise
  ignore_errors: True

- name: Reload unicorn
  service: name={{ redmine_sysvinit_service_name }} state=reloaded
  when: ansible_service_mgr != 'systemd'

- name: Reload unicorn
  service: name={{ redmine_systemd_service_name }} state=reloaded
  when: ansible_service_mgr == 'systemd'

- name: Reload unicorn when needed
  service: name={{ redmine_sysvinit_service_name }} state=restarted
    - ruby_use_unicorn
    - ansible_service_mgr != 'systemd'

- name: Reload unicorn when needed
  service: name={{ redmine_systemd_service_name }} state=restarted
    - ruby_use_unicorn
    - ansible_service_mgr == 'systemd'

- name: Reconfigure redmine
  shell: cd {{ redmine_glob_root_dir }}/{{ redmine_inst_dir }}; bundle exec rake redmine:plugins:migrate RAILS_ENV=production
    - apache2 reload when needed
    - Reload unicorn when needed

- name: Reconfigure agile plugin
  shell: cd {{ redmine_glob_root_dir }}/{{ redmine_inst_dir }}; bundle exec rake redmine:plugins NAME=redmine_agile RAILS_ENV=production
    - apache2 reload when needed
    - Reload unicorn when needed
- name: Bundle install
  shell: cd {{ redmine_glob_root_dir }}/{{ redmine_inst_dir }}; bundle install --without development test mysql RAILS_ENV=production
    - apache2 reload when needed
    - Reload unicorn when needed

- name: Bundle install and reconfigure redmine
  shell: cd {{ redmine_glob_root_dir }}/{{ redmine_inst_dir }}; bundle install ; bundle exec rake redmine:plugins:migrate RAILS_ENV=production
    - apache2 reload when needed
    - Reload unicorn when needed

- name: Remove a plugin and reconfigure redmine
  shell: cd {{ redmine_glob_root_dir }}/{{ redmine_inst_dir }}; bundle exec rake redmine:plugins:migrate NAME=redmine_plugin_name VERSION=0 RAILS_ENV=production
    - apache2 reload when needed
    - Reload unicorn when needed

- name: Generate the mod-passenger executable
  shell: passenger-install-apache2-module -a
  when: ruby_use_mod_passenger

- name: change the redmine permissions recursively
  shell: chown -R {{ redmine_user }}:{{ redmine_group }} {{ redmine_glob_root_dir }}/{{ redmine_inst_dir }}/files {{ redmine_glob_root_dir }}/{{ redmine_inst_dir }}/log {{ redmine_glob_root_dir }}/{{ redmine_inst_dir }}/tmp {{ redmine_glob_root_dir }}/{{ redmine_inst_dir }}/public/plugin_assets
  ignore_errors: True