--- - import_tasks: haproxy-service.yml - import_tasks: haproxy-letsencrypt.yml when: - haproxy_letsencrypt_managed - letsencrypt_install is defined - import_tasks: haproxy-letsencrypt-acmetool.yml when: - haproxy_letsencrypt_managed - letsencrypt_acme_install is defined - import_tasks: haproxy-ssl.yml when: - haproxy_letsencrypt_managed - import_tasks: haproxy-nagios.yml when: - nagios_enabled is defined - nagios_enabled - name: Ensure that haproxy is enabled and started service: name=haproxy state=started enabled=yes when: haproxy_enabled ignore_errors: True tags: haproxy - name: Haproxy puts a new rsyslog directive. Restart rsyslog to activate it. Reload is not sufficient service: name=rsyslog state=restarted when: - haproxy_enabled - ( install_haproxy | changed ) tags: haproxy - name: Ensure that haproxy is stopped and disabled if needed service: name=haproxy state=stopped enabled=no when: not haproxy_enabled tags: haproxy