--- - block: - name: Create the roundcube webroot file: dest={{ roundcube_web_basedir }} owner=root group=root state=directory - name: Create the roundcube data directory file: dest={{ nextcloud_data_dir }} state=directory owner={{ item.user }} group={{ item.user }} with_items: '{{ phpfpm_pools }}' - name: Get roundcube get_url: url={{ roundcube_download_url }} dest=/srv/{{ roundcube_dist_filename }} - name: Unpack the roundcube archive unarchive: remote_src=yes src=/srv/{{ roundcube_dist_filename }} dest={{ roundcube_web_basedir }} owner={{ item.user }} group={{ item.user }} args: creates: '{{ item.doc_root }}/index.php' with_items: '{{ phpfpm_pools }}' tags: [ 'roundcube' ] - block: - name: Configure the roundcube instance shell: cd {{ item.doc_root }} ; php occ maintenance:install --database="{{ roundcube_db }}" --database-host "{{ roundcube_db_host }}" --database-name "{{ roundcube_db_name }}" --database-user "{{ roundcube_db_user }}" --database-pass "{{ nextcloud_db_pwd }}" --admin-user "{{ nextcloud_admin_user }}" --admin-pass "{{ nextcloud_admin_u_pwd }}" --data-dir={{ roundcube_data_dir }} ; touch {{ roundcube_data_dir }}/.ht_roundcube_setup args: creates: '{{ roundcube_data_dir }}/.ht_roundcube_setup' with_items: '{{ phpfpm_pools }}' - name: Set the trusted domains list shell: cd {{ item.webroot }} ; php occ config:system:set trusted_domains {{ item.id }} --value={{ item.name }} ; touch {{ roundcube_data_dir }}/.ht_roundcube_trusted_domains args: creates: '{{ roundcube_data_dir }}/.ht_roundcube_trusted_domains' with_items: '{{ roundcube_servernames }}' - name: Setup the cron configuration shell: cd {{ item.webroot }} ; php occ background:cron ; touch {{ roundcube_data_dir }}/.ht_roundcube_cron args: creates: 'touch {{ nextcloud_data_dir }}/.ht_nextcloud_cron' with_items: '{{ nextcloud_servernames }}' tags: [ 'nextcloud', 'nextcloud_config_cron' ] - name: Install the nextcloud cron job cron: user={{ item.user }} minute="*/15" job="php -f {{ item.doc_root }}/cron.php" name="NextCloud cron job" with_items: '{{ phpfpm_pools }}' tags: [ 'nextcloud', 'nextcloud_config_cron' ] become: True become_user: '{{ nextcloud_user }}' tags: [ 'nextcloud', 'nextcloud_config' ] - block: - name: Create the nextcloud encryption keys directory become_user: root file: dest={{ nextcloud_oc_dir }} state=directory owner={{ item.user }} group={{ item.user }} with_items: '{{ phpfpm_pools }}' - name: Activate global encryption shell: cd {{ item.doc_root }} ; php occ app:enable encryption ; php occ encryption:enable ; php occ encryption:enable-master-key ; php occ encryption:change-key-storage-root {{ nextcloud_oc_dir }} ; touch {{ nextcloud_oc_dir }}/.ht_nextcloud_oc args: creates: '{{ nextcloud_oc_dir }}/.ht_nextcloud_oc' with_items: '{{ phpfpm_pools }}' become: True become_user: '{{ nextcloud_user }}' when: nextcloud_encryption_enabled tags: [ 'nextcloud', 'nextcloud_config', 'nextcloud_config_oc' ] - block: - name: Enable ldap shell: cd {{ item.doc_root }} ; php occ app:enable user_ldap ; touch {{ item.doc_root }}/.ht_nextcloud_ldap_enabled args: creates: '{{ item.doc_root }}/.ht_nextcloud_ldap_enabled' with_items: '{{ phpfpm_pools }}' - name: Configure ldap shell: cd {{ item.doc_root }} ; php occ ldap:create-empty-config ; touch {{ item.doc_root }}/.ht_nextcloud_ldap_configured args: creates: '{{ item.doc_root }}/.ht_nextcloud_ldap_configured' with_items: '{{ phpfpm_pools }}' become: True become_user: '{{ nextcloud_user }}' when: nextcloud_ldap_auth tags: [ 'nextcloud', 'nextcloud_config', 'nextcloud_config_ldap' ]