84 lines
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84 lines
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- name: Install the mongodb apt key
#apt_key: id=7F0CEB10 state=present
raw: apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv 7F0CEB10
when: mongodb_install_from_external_repo
tags: mongodb
- name: Install the mongodb repository
apt_repository: repo="deb http://downloads-distro.mongodb.org/repo/ubuntu-upstart dist 10gen" update_cache=yes state=present
when: mongodb_install_from_external_repo
register: external_repo
tags: mongodb
- name: Update the apt cache
apt: update_cache=yes
when: external_repo is changed
ignore_errors: True
tags: mongodb
- name: Install the latest version of mongodb server
apt: pkg={{ item }} state=latest
- mongodb-10gen
- mongodb_install_from_external_repo
- mongodb_install_packages
- mongodb_latest_version
tags: mongodb
- name: Install the mongodb-10gen server
apt: pkg={{ item }}={{ mongodb_specific_version }} state=present
- mongodb-10gen
- mongodb_install_from_external_repo
- mongodb_install_packages
- not mongodb_latest_version
tags: mongodb
- name: Install the mongodb server
apt: pkg={{ item }} state=installed
- mongodb-server
- not mongodb_install_from_external_repo
- mongodb_install_packages
tags: mongodb
- name: Install the mongodb defaults file
copy: content="ENABLE_MONGODB={{ mongodb_start_server }}" dest=/etc/default/mongodb owner=root group=root mode=0444
when: mongodb_install_conf
tags: mongodb
- name: Create the mongodb db directory
file: dest={{ mongodb_dbpath }} state=directory owner={{ mongodb_user }} group={{ mongodb_group }} mode=0755
when: mongodb_install_conf
tags: mongodb
- name: Create the mongodb log directory
file: dest={{ mongodb_logdir }} state=directory owner={{ mongodb_user }} group={{ mongodb_group }} mode=0755
when: mongodb_install_conf
tags: mongodb
- name: Install the mongodb 2.4 configuration
template: src=mongodb-2.4.conf.j2 dest=/etc/mongodb.conf owner=root group=root mode=0444
when: ( mongodb_start_server is defined ) and ( mongodb_start_server == 'yes' ) and ( mongodb_install_conf )
notify: Restart mongodb
tags: mongodb
- name: Install the cron job that manages log files rotation
template: src=mongo_log_rotate.sh.j2 dest=/etc/cron.daily/mongo_log_rotate owner=root group=root mode=0555
tags: mongodb
- name: Ensure mongodb is started
service: name=mongodb state=started enabled=yes
when: ( mongodb_start_server is defined ) and ( mongodb_start_server == 'yes' ) and ( mongodb_install_conf )
tags: mongodb
- name: Ensure mongodb is stopped and disabled
service: name=mongodb state=stopped enabled=no
when: ( mongodb_start_server is defined ) and ( mongodb_start_server == 'no' ) and ( mongodb_install_conf )
tags: mongodb